Peasant families from San Pedro and Caaguazú regularize their property titles

Peasant families from San Pedro and Caaguazú regularize their property titles

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The National Institute for Rural and Land Development (Indert) handed out more than a hundred titles at the San Pedro Governorate and plans to do so in the Caaguazú department on Tuesday.

“Land titling is the most effective tool for development, because the peasant goes from being a precarious occupant to an owner, strengthening the microeconomy,” said Indert president Francisco Ruiz Díaz.

“In the history of agrarian reform, five generations have passed, five laws have been passed, more than 3 million hectares of land have been purchased and only 5% of titles have been handed out. We are changing this reality,” he said during the public hearing held at the San Pedro Governorate.

On this occasion, he attended to and provided solutions to some 150 people, as part of his fourth tour to deliver another 830 property titles.

In turn, the governor of San Pedro, Freddy D’Ecclesiis, highlighted the method implemented by the head of the agricultural entity to verify the situation of farm workers on site.

More than 50 percent of the 6,000 property titles delivered by the government of Santiago Peña, in his first year of management, correspond to the department of San Pedro, explained Francisco Ruiz Díaz.

As part of the fourth tour to deliver another 830 titles, the president of Indert, Prof. Econ. Francisco Ruiz Díaz, carried out a work day in the afternoon in the department of San Pedro, accompanied by the governor, Freddy D’Ecclesiis, delivering more than a hundred titles at the premises of the San Pedro Governorate.

More titles for Caaguazú

The tour will end on Tuesday in the department of Caaguazú, where at 5:00 p.m., property titles will be handed over and signed in Villa Constitución, district of Caaguazú.

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2024-08-14 07:03:49

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