[PE Leitfaden] Frequently asked questions about channel/YouTube account terminations (closure/suspension)

[PE Leitfaden] Frequently asked questions about channel/YouTube account terminations (closure/suspension) – YouTube Community

Product experts” are users/YouTubers who try to share their experiences with other users of Google products in their free time, free of charge. You should therefore avoid blaming others, insulting others, and otherwise inappropriate posts. Please treat us the way you would like to be perceived and treated. Please also read the guidelines for the product forums:


The reason for this (langatmigen) Guide isthat YouTube itself mostly only “vague” reasons in their notifications – and many users then with titles such as “My channel was for no reason quit…” etc. in the help community. And every time the hairs on the back of my neck stand up ;o)

Admittedly, regarding closures/terminations, YouTube unfortunately only provides this, apart from notifications and responses to objections/complaints:

and roughly this “nice” but probably not really “illuminating” transparency report on your problem:

This has mainly legal (not further explained) Reasons, but YouTube also simply assumes that the relevant terms of use and guidelines are not only accepted, but also read were. And the “To read” should really be done regularly, as these rules are not “set in stone”. Means: Terms of use and community guidelines are regularly adjusted, expanded and updated. Notifications of these adjustments are also sent just as regularly by email/GMail. Such emails should therefore not be ignored.

Let’s start with the terms of usesince terminations based on this reason usually lead to one-off serious violations count, to which it then no There are warnings or strikes. The channel/account is then immediately gone. These include:

  • Nudity, pornographic content, abuse (or abusive representation) of children
  • the misuse of legal forms (false/incomplete data protection complaints, copyright complaints, trademark complaints)
  • re-uploading/distributing content from users who have already been terminated
  • Circumventing restrictions/measures against your account, or creating new accounts/channels despite terminating other channels
  • the use of services/tools/add-ons to manipulate metrics/statistics to increase views and subscribers.
  • etc..(not a complete list!)

Closures/terminations due to violation of the community guidelines Unfortunately, they also include “one-off serious violations” which are issued without prior warning and without a strike.

  • These “serious one-off violations” include Spam (contrary to YouTube’s rather trivializing guidelines regarding warnings and strikes, this is taken extremely seriously – and pursued with “zero tolerance”!) Regarding spam, be sure to read the additional information/articles on the right-hand side. Especially those on external links.
  • also Hate speech/insults (not only in comments, but mostly subtly packaged in “memes”, channel names, @alias/handle, thumbnails and banners)
  • harassment (Cyberbulling, Stalking, Doxxing, Blackmailing/Erpressung)
  • or identity theft (you pretend to be someone else or give the impression that you are someone else by “stealing” video content, channel names, profile pictures and/or banners)

A frequently ignored, or indeed less well-known, reason not only for terminations, but mostly for Playlist removals These guidelines are:

Especially popular and often frequently shared “memes” are then the reason for such removals – but also terminations!

Often/again and again the playlist is “Favorites” on older Channels are affected. This was replaced a few years ago by the “Videos I like” playlist. And unlike the old favorites, this playlist is now only private. It can no longer be made public. (The 5th December mentioned in the article refers to the year 2019)

Incidentally, content that is “private”or “unlisted” were declared. The algorithms do not take this into account – and “private” does not really exist on the Internet anyway. All of this content can be made “public” again with just a few clicks. Be it “accidentally” or through third-party access/hacking of your accounts/channels.

Objection/complaint against terminations (or removal of playlists and own videos)

Objections/Complaints can Make out, must but it is not. Therefore, these objections should be clearly defined, well formulated and understandable for the examiners. But remember that many examiners are not native German speakers.

Be brief, don’t tell fairy tales or completely unbelievable stories. Insight and remorse should be evident in some form. A simple “Why was my channel canceled? (probably still filled with plenty of question marks, exclamation marks and insults/curses/foul language etc.) leads to not to the goal.

(It all actually happened already…)

I hope I was able to shed some light on the matter. Thank you for reading – and if you have any questions, just ask in your own topic/thread.

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