PDVSA carries out maintenance work at Campo Furrial (+Details)

Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) announced on August 22 the execution of maintenance work on the Furrial Divisionwhich is part of the Executive Directorate of Production Eastin the state Monagas.

In this sense, the action focuses on the station’s dynamic settlement tank. Jusepin 2a fundamental component for the crude oil extraction operation in the Campo Furrial Este.

Since this system has the crucial function of removing the water that emerges with the extracted oil. It is important to note that, together with tank 55005, this equipment is located in the EPR-2 and is strategic for retaining the water that accompanies the crude oil.

They seek to increase the production of daily barrels

During the process, the heavier particles sink to the bottom as part of the hydrocarbon dehydration. This allows the oil to be transferred to electrostatic units and pumped, with specifications that demand a content of less than 1% water and sediment.

To date, maintenance work is 70% complete and involves multiple management activities. Victor Pinosenior supervisor of the EPR-2highlighted that these tanks are vital to consolidate the division’s operations, to handle and process an average of 43 thousand barrels of crude oil and 57 thousand of water per day.

In this context, this represents approximately 73% of the division’s total production, made up of Furrial, Jusepin, Orocual, Anchovy y to inquirewith a joint production of 60 thousand net barrels per day.

Pdvsa began other maintenance work

“These actions seek to increase RESOR’s water management for an injection of more than 90 thousand barrels of water per day into the fields in northern Monagas”he explained Nestor Liccientechnical advisor for production operations.

Finally, Anhabell Marcanooperational maintenance manager of the Furrial Divisionstressed that the commitment and effort of oil personnel is essential for the advancement of these important initiatives.

With information from Banca y Negocios

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2024-08-24 23:45:10



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