“PDG Deputy Ruben Oyarzo’s Shocking Actions: The Shooting of Franco Parisi and the Party’s Leadership Crisis”

2023-05-22 04:18:00

The deputy of the People’s Party (PDG) Ruben Oyarzo shot the founder and former presidential candidate of the group, the economist Franco Parisifollowing the poor results obtained by the store in the constituent elections of May 7, where it was left without elected directors.

“(The case of Karla Añes, the candidate for the Arica Region who was convicted of drug trafficking) had a communication effect at the media level, but I don’t think it has to do with the overall result. Blaming her would be wrong. take charge of the series of failures committed before the campaign, in the construction of the lists; not taking candidates in Valparaíso; that it was a strategic error also from the electoral point of view; the execution of the campaign and the roles that some carried out faces,” said the parliamentarian in an interview with the newspaper The Mercury.

According to Oyarzo, “there are shared responsibilities. Indeed, the formal leaderships of the party were not up to the challenge, and by this I mean the national leadership; which up to now has not assumed a self-critical position. On the contrary, they have insisted that everything was done well. I also believe that there are informal leaderships that have seriously damaged the PDG, and in this I must mention the role played by the Bad Boyswho with their opinions have stressed, when what we needed was to decompress the environment”.

In this regard, he stated that “Franco Paris’s leadership is exhausted if he follows the same formula used up to now. A remote leadership in the country, which in one way or another is not connected with the daily reality of Chileans; clearly, it is not what is required for the moment in which Chile and the PDG live. This does not prevent Franco Parisi from having his own recognized leadership, permanently measured in the polls, a natural leadership, of which I have spoken and recognized on several occasions, but this is the moment to change the formulas”.

“Today, Franco Parisi’s leadership does not respond to the moment we are living as a party or as a country, and I have also argued that there are new figures that should assume a leadership role in the PDG. As long as we do not order our ideological definitions, our lines of political action, it will be difficult for us to have clarity to establish political alliances. And although I am not closed to that possibility, I believe that the urgent task today is the internal order,” he said.

“The PDG cannot become a hybrid of an ideological or political nature. It has to have clear definitions”he emphasized.

#Deputy #PDG #puts #tombstone #Parisi #leadership #respond #moment #living #country



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