Payslip: here is what will change on July 1, 2023

As of July 1, 2023, the new “social net amount” section will be introduced in all payslip models.

Know the exact amount to declare to apply for social assistance. This is what the new section of the “social net amount” will be used for, which will be introduced in all payslip models from 1is July 2023.

According to the website of gouvernement.frthe idea of ​​this new section is to better inform employees about the “resources taken into account for the calculation of their rights and to simplify certain information”.

Indeed, the “net social amount” corresponds to the net income, after deduction of all the compulsory social contributions. In short, this serves to define in a clear and obvious way for employees their eligibility for certain income supplements such as the activity bonus, family allowances, RSA or even housing aid.

Simplify procedures

Thus with this concrete step forward to simplify the procedures, employers will have to, from 2024, declare to social organizations the “net social amount” of their employees, like what is already done with the “net taxable amount”. .

“Until now, this amount was not directly available. Mentioning it on the payslip will simplify the procedures for recipients who will no longer have to make any calculations. It will suffice to declare the accumulation of the net social amounts”, declared the Minister of Solidarity, Jean-Christophe Combe.

With this new section, the government intends to reduce the risk of errors in the declarations of resources, and to extend to more employees the number of social benefits they can receive.

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