Payment of the “Economic War” bonus for retirees has begun

  • Beneficiaries of the subsidy will receive a text message from the phone number 67373 | Main photo: AVN

On Wednesday, July 17, the government of Nicolás Maduro announced the beginning of the payment of the “Economic War” bonus through the Patria System.

The subsidy delivered this Wednesday is intended for public sector retirees. The beneficiaries of this social aid will receive a text message from the telephone number 67373.

Retirees will receive 3,315 bolivars, equivalent to 90.82 dollars, according to the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) rate of 36.50 bolivars per dollar on July 17.

The amount of more than 90 dollars corresponds to the increase in minimum comprehensive income announced by President Nicolás Maduro on May 1. In relation to this announcement, pensioners will receive 32.50 dollars and public administration workers will receive the equivalent of 89 dollars.

Photo: courtesy

What is the purpose of the “Economic War” bonus?

The amount of the “Economic War” bonus is enough for a retiree to buy all the products of the Petare basketbecause its price is 1,523 bolivars, the equivalent of 41.78 dollars, according to the latest report from the Venezuelan Financial Observatory (OVF).

According to information published by the OVF on July 2, 2024, the prices of the eight products in the Petare Basket were consulted between June 23 and 29.

Below are the prices for the Petare Basket from the latest OVF report:

-A package of corn flour: 48 bolivars or $1.31

-One kilogram of white cheese: 190 bolivars or $5.20

-One kilogram of meat: 320 bolivars or $8.76

-A package of coffee: 480 bolivars or $13.15

-A package of rice: 65 bolivars or $1.78

-One liter of oil: 175 bolivars or $4.79

-A packet of sugar: 65 bolivars or $1.78

However, the “Economic War” bonus is insufficient to meet the basic needs of Venezuelans, since it only covers 15.25% of the basic family basket.

The basket, for a family of five, cost 590 dollars, according to the Documentation and Social Analysis Center of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers (Cendas-FVM).

A retiree needs at least a deposit of seven “Economic War” bonds to buy the 61 products in the basket, which include food, personal hygiene products and cleaning products.

A criminal group that stole pensioners' payments through the Patria System was arrested
Photo: Homeland System

How to collect the “Economic War” bonus?

Retirees who receive this payment will be informed via text message from the number 3532 and through the veMonedero application.

To collect the funds, users must log in to the Patria platform, go to “wallet” and then select “withdraw funds.”

Click on the wallet of origin, amount and destination of the funds, then click on “continue” and then select “accept”.

Once this procedure is completed, the system will display on the screen that the operation was successful.

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#Payment #Economic #War #bonus #retirees #begun
2024-07-18 07:14:00



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