Pay safely with eBay classifieds: Police warn of new fraud, so protect yourself

Pay safely
Sellers targeted by rip-offs: Police warn of new fraud on Ebay classifieds

Once the credit card data is gone, only a block helps.

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eBay classifieds is the most visited site in Germany. Unfortunately, criminals roam there too. The police warn of a new scam related to the new payment function.

Ebay classifieds actually wanted to create significantly more security for buyers and sellers with the in-house payment function, since you no longer have to agree on the exchange of goods outside the platform. And if you stick to the specified process, the system also works reliably for both sides. But even if the use of the payment function leaves little room for fraud, scammers have apparently found a way to take money out of the pockets of honest sellers. And so often that the Berlin police are now warning of it.

+++ Also read: This is how Ebay classifieds wants to get its fraud problem under control +++

The Berlin authorities say: “Currently, more and more cases of fraud are being identified, the target group of which is the seller of a product on Ebay classifieds.” The explanation of the scam follows: “A supposedly interested party writes to the seller and wants to process the payment using the actually existing eBay classifieds payment method “Pay safely”. The perpetrator then sends the seller a link where the seller can receive his credit card details to enter the payment.”

Money doesn’t come, but it goes

You guessed it: the credit card is then debited, but no payment is ever received. In general, the following applies: Never pass on your credit card details to unknown persons. Ebay classifieds never asks buyers about it anyway. Likewise, the operator does not make contact via SMS or Messenger in connection with the “Secure payment” function.

Ebay Classifieds explains that stern when asked how it should work: “With “Pay safely” from Ebay classifieds, all steps are displayed directly in the message history of the account. We therefore recommend buyers and sellers to complete the transaction only via the message function of our website or apps and phone number, Keep your e-mail address and payment details confidential. Under no circumstances should those affected follow payment requests that are not displayed directly on the website or in the eBay classifieds apps.”

Some €50 bills are worth a small fortune

Block card immediately

If, in the stress of everyday life, you have made the mistake of sending data from your credit card via Messenger to a supposed buyer in good faith that you were making a payment, block the card immediately. The blocking emergency call can be reached 24 hours a day: In Germany, call 116 116 free of charge, abroad only the telephone charges of the local provider apply. Try +49 116 116 or +49 (0) 30 40 50 40 50. You will usually receive a new card from your house bank within a short time.

Those: Berlin police

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