Paving the Way for Animal Care: The Mobile Veterinary Surgical Unit’s Adventure in Olavarría District

The Municipality of Olavarría, through the Bromatology Department, reminds the community that the Mobile Veterinary Operating Room continues its tour throughout the District, offering free surgical sterilization services for dogs and cats. The modality of care is through previously agreed shifts, so people interested in neutering their pets are invited to call 2284 666400, a line enabled for both calls and WhatsApp messages.

The tour of the next few days will begin this Saturday in Espigas, where the Anti-Rabies Vaccination Campaign will also begin, so the request is insisted on for the inhabitants of that town to bring their pets to the headquarters of the Municipal Delegation, between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m.

Starting Monday, and until Tuesday the 10th inclusive, staff from the area will be serving in the Independencia neighborhood, more precisely at the headquarters of the Envión Program located on Pueyrredón Avenue 1638. Then, on Thursday the 12th and Friday the 13th inclusive, the service will be provided in the Sarmiento neighborhood, so people from that point of the city are invited to come to the Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza parish, located on Mitre and Ayacucho.

In both cases, the opening hours will be from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and those interested in sterilizing their pets may also request an appointment by visiting each of the aforementioned sites in advance.

What are the requirements for surgery?

  • Be over 6 months old, except male felines, which must be over 8 months old
  • The animal must have 12 hours of food fasting and 1 hour of liquid fasting prior to surgery.
  • They must have an optimal weight.
  • They must be clinically healthy and not have any infectious or contagious diseases.
  • In females, at least 60 days must have passed postpartum after giving birth.
  • Dogs must attend with a collar, chain and muzzle if necessary, and cats must attend in carriers, NOT cardboard boxes.
  • The responsible guardian must have time to wait for the surgery.
  • The veterinarian will determine whether or not the animal is suitable for surgery based on his or her professional judgment.
  • Pet B2B

    Mobile Veterinary Operating Rooms: Revolutionizing Pet Care

    As pet owners, we want to ensure our‍ furry friends receive the best possible ⁤care. With the rise ‍of mobile veterinary ⁢operating rooms, accessing ‍quality veterinary ‌services has never been more convenient. In this article, we’ll⁢ delve into the world of mobile veterinary operating rooms, exploring their ‍features, benefits, and requirements ⁤for surgery.

    What are Mobile Veterinary Operating Rooms?

    Mobile veterinary ⁣operating ​rooms are ⁤custom-designed vehicles equipped with‌ advanced‍ medical equipment, allowing veterinarians to perform various surgical‍ procedures, ⁣including sterilization services,​ on-site. These‍ mobile clinics are designed to provide comprehensive care for pets, offering a range of⁢ services ‌from routine check-ups to complex surgeries.

    According ⁤to La Boit Specialty Vehicles, a leading manufacturer ‌of mobile veterinary clinics, their 26ft mobile veterinary clinic with a separate surgery suite is the most popular vehicle model [[1]]. ‌This highlights the ​growing demand for mobile‌ veterinary services that can ​cater to a wide range⁤ of pet care⁢ needs.

    Benefits of Mobile‍ Veterinary Operating Rooms

    Mobile veterinary operating‌ rooms offer‌ several advantages⁣ over traditional veterinary⁣ clinics. ‌Firstly, they⁤ provide convenience⁤ and ⁤flexibility, allowing pet ​owners to ⁤schedule ​appointments at a ⁤time and location that‍ suits ⁢them. This is particularly beneficial for pet ⁤owners who live in remote areas or have busy schedules.

    Moreover, mobile ⁤veterinary operating⁢ rooms often‍ offer ⁣specialized services, such as advanced surgical care, that may not be readily available at traditional veterinary clinics. For⁣ instance,⁢ VSG, a mobile ​vet surgery based​ in Georgia, provides expert pet surgery and wellness services,‍ bringing advanced care directly to ​pet​ owners [[2]].

    Requirements for Surgery

    Before ​undergoing ‌surgery, pets must ⁣meet certain requirements to ensure ​their safety and the success of the procedure. In the‍ case of the ‍Mobile Veterinary⁣ Operating Room offered by the Municipality of Olavarría,​ pets ‍must:

    ​Be ‍over 6​ months old,⁣ except male felines, which must be over 8 months old

    Have 12 hours of food fasting and 1 hour of liquid fasting

    Additionally, pet owners may need to ‍schedule an appointment in‍ advance and ⁤provide ‍necessary medical information about their pet.

    Surgical ​Services Offered

    Mobile​ veterinary operating rooms can perform a range of minor surgical procedures, including:

    Sterilization services (spaying/neutering)


    Dental care

    Minor surgeries⁤ (e.g., tumor⁤ removal, biopsies)

    In some cases, mobile veterinary operating rooms may​ also ⁣provide emergency care ‌and critical services.


    Mobile veterinary operating rooms are ⁢revolutionizing the way we⁢ care for our pets. By providing convenient, flexible, and specialized services, these mobile clinics are making it⁤ easier⁤ for pet owners to ensure their⁤ pets receive‌ the⁣ best​ possible care. Whether you’re looking ⁢for routine check-ups ⁢or advanced surgical care, mobile veterinary operating rooms are an excellent ‌option to consider.

    Remember to always check the requirements for surgery ‌and schedule an​ appointment in⁢ advance to ensure ‌your ⁣pet receives the care they need.

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    Mobile Veterinary Operating Rooms: Revolutionizing Pet Care

    As pet owners, we want to ensure our furry friends receive the best possible care. With the rise of mobile veterinary operating rooms, accessing quality veterinary services has never been more convenient. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of mobile veterinary operating rooms, exploring their features, benefits, and requirements for surgery.

    What are Mobile Veterinary Operating Rooms?

    Mobile veterinary operating rooms are custom-designed vehicles equipped with advanced medical equipment, allowing veterinarians to perform various surgical procedures, including sterilization services, on-site. These mobile clinics are designed to provide comprehensive care for pets, offering a range of services from routine check-ups to complex surgeries.

    Benefits of Mobile Veterinary Operating Rooms

    Mobile veterinary operating rooms offer several advantages over traditional veterinary clinics. Firstly, they provide convenience and flexibility, allowing pet owners to schedule appointments at a time and location that suits them. This is particularly beneficial for pet owners who live in remote areas or have busy schedules.




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