Paving of the PY12 route already has its four lots in simultaneous execution

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The work to enable and maintain the National Route PY12, Chaco’i – General Bruguez section and accesses, in the department of Presidente Hayes, marked a milestone with all its lots being fully executed simultaneously. This 166-kilometer road project is key to improving connectivity in the Paraguayan Bajo Chaco.

Strategically divided into four fronts, the paving of the road will not only optimize local transitability, but will also boost the economic development of indigenous communities settled in the area. It is also expected to provide a significant boost to tourism and international trade, especially at the border crossings with Argentina.

Currently, work is progressing at a good pace with the construction of drainage ditches, the formation of embankments and profiling at different points of the road layout. These tasks, which are being carried out in the four sectors of the project, reflect the firm commitment of the Ministry of Public Works and Communications (MOPC) to the progress of this region of Chaco.

The lots

Lot 1, managed by the TEC Consortium, covers 35.02 km and includes access to Nanawa. Meanwhile, Lot 2, with 42.80 km, was awarded to the Avanza Chaco Consortium.

For its part, the Chaco Road Consortium is responsible for Lot 3 of 44.43 km, which also includes access to the Ninfa community.

Finally, the Chaco Sur Consortium is executing Lot 4 of 43.3 km, incorporating the branch line towards General Bruguez.

MOPC technicians, as well as those from the inspection companies, carry out permanent monitoring of the entire process, thus ensuring compliance with quality standards and contractually established deadlines.

The full opening of the PY12 route promises to be a real driving force for the productive reactivation of this entire area of ​​the country, which has been postponed for years.

#Paving #PY12 #route #lots #simultaneous #execution
2024-07-26 22:37:57



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