Paving of the first section of the Milk Route is completed, a project that will boost connectivity in Chaco

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications reported the completion of asphalt paving in the first lot of the Milk Route, which represents a turning point in the execution of the project, bringing it closer to its objective of promoting connectivity and growth in the Paraguayan Chaco.

Lot 1 of the Milk Route runs from Cruce de los Pioneros to km 48.4 of the main section, and includes the accesses to Santa Cecilia and Lolita. With the completion of the asphalt paving, the section is 92% complete.

This achievement, celebrated by the Vías de Occidente consortium (made up of Vialtec SA and Constructora Heisecke SA), marks a crucial step towards the completion of this emblematic work promoted by the MOPC.

So also Lot 2, which comprises the Pioneers-Paratode Crossing; Parathode–Douglas Crossing section; access to Campo Aceval and the section Campo Aceval–Cruce Infante Ávalos Sánchez, presents a 95% execution, in charge of the Central Chaco Consortium (Benito Roggio E. Hijos SA – LT SA)

For its part, Lot 3, divided into two sectors (Paratodo-Cruce Douglas and Campo Aceval-Cruce Infante Ávalos Sánchez), has the improvement works completed and is in the maintenance phase by Tecnología del Sur SAE

The project covers 184.5 km of roads in the Central Chaco region, and its execution aims to boost economic development and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the benefited areas, through road infrastructure that is crucial for the progress of the region.

The emblematic project is being carried out by the government through the Ministry of Public Works and Communication, with funding from a loan from the Inter-American Development Bank.

#Paving #section #Milk #Route #completed #project #boost #connectivity #Chaco
2024-07-18 07:37:53



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