In addition, before the start of the tournament, Reinhard Wögerbauer, an ÖFB physiotherapist, had also tested positive. “We knew it might happen, despite all the precautionary measures, we just don’t have it under our control,” said ÖFB team boss Irene Fuhrmann. The failure is bitter. “Laura acted very consistently, we might always count on her,” recalled the 41-year-old from Vienna. Whether or when Wienroither can get back into action cannot be estimated.
The Corona issue is once more disrupting the preparation for an EM game. It’s good for Fuhrmann that there is strong competition in all positions compared to 2017, where the top eleven had sort of set themselves up by themselves. “We also have other options and a broad squad,” said the ÖFB trainer. Instead of Wienroither, Katharina Schiechtl probably has the best starting eleven prospects.
She had been ousted by the big ÖFB climber Wienroither. A few hours before her colleague’s Corona result became known, she had spoken at the media event at the Hotel Pennyhill Park that she had no problem at all with the reservist role. Now she might very quickly – as she did at the 2017 European Championship premiere in the Netherlands – play the leading role once more, which shows once once more how fast things can go in football.
Schiechtl’s type of player might be in demand especially once morest the Northern Irish, as the 29-year-old is characterized above all by robustness and strength in the ball. If the score was tight, it would also be an issue on offense. “There have already been games at Bremen where the coach said go up front and hold your head up. Because of my size and strength in the ball, that can be a tried and tested method,” said the defender, who is also known for her long throws.
There are also players in central defense and midfield. It would therefore not be surprising, especially once morest the European Championship debutants, if there were further changes compared to the opening 0:1 once morest England. One who might be affected is Laura Feiersinger. After a long time, the Frankfurt legionnaire played almost the entire season at Old Trafford Stadium. “That felt good. I always find it more enjoyable to get more playing time, the better you get into it. I would think it would be nice if I might play all three group games,” said the 29-year-old.
Lately she has been a bit of a problem child from an injury point of view, just like captain Viktoria Schnaderbeck, for whom it is also important to carefully consider whether a break would not be better. Nicole Billa will be at the forefront. But she also feels pressure from behind. “There are also other players who can fill the position well. That makes us stronger,” said Austria’s footballer of the year 2021.
With every actor you notice that she comes to terms with her own role. “Cohesion is one of our greatest strengths. We all play for each other, each granting the other the playing time. You get support from all sides,” emphasized Austria’s second most successful goal scorer. She is happy regarding this team feeling. “That won’t change any time soon either, because we’ve known each other for many years and spend time together, a lot in our free time,” Billa said. And Schiechtl added: “Of course I always hope for an assignment, but it’s the case with us that the team comes first and everyone sticks to it.”
Schnaderbeck might only underline that: “It goes without saying that we submit to the team. There isn’t a player who gets a lot of attention on or off the pitch. This is also something that we all stand up for and that is really lived authentically.”
Fuhrmann also plays this into the cards, which means that no sources of fire have to be extinguished. “Of course there is a lot of competition in the team, but we still manage to get every player involved in a way that makes the team stronger. They are all extremely good in character,” said the ÖFB team boss. From a sporting point of view, you now have the opportunity to react to changes in the course of the game in the best possible way. “We can provide impetus, stability or dynamism, we have many different types of players,” said Fuhrmann.
It is questionable whether she can count on Stefanie Enzinger on Monday, who skipped Saturday training due to knee problems.