Paulina Rubio continues to rehabilitate her career and now she also wants a bioseries… with a special format!

Little by little, Paulina Rubio has been straightening her path following spending several years without releasing new music, losing her presence on the popularity charts and being involved in sentimental and legal scandals.

Paulian Rubio at the 34th Lo Nuestro Awards in Miami, Florida. (Photo: mpi04/MediaPunch/IPX)

First, he formed with Sony, then he released a new single, resolved his child custody issues and even announced reconciliation with Alejandra Guzmán —with whom he had a legendary lawsuit that had already lasted thirty years and all for disputing Erik Rubín as a sexual object, Believe it or not—to go on a tour together that, if carried out, would leave you with very good dividends.

And it is that, as they say in Mexico, fear does not walk on a donkey, and the singer had seen her personal fortune decline by having to pay large sums to settle debts with the treasury, pay lawyers and other liquidations, which were already beginning to affect his lifestyle, which had become noticeably more extravagant over the years.

Paulina is no longer the “golden girl”, nor is she that young either – in fact she is already 50 years old – and she seems to have become aware that not only is she the mother of two children, but also that fame does not re-bloom and that living from it It’s not as easy as it seems, or as it was 30 years ago, when she broke up with Timbiriche —where she began her career as a little girl— and threw herself into the ring with that song by ‘Mío’ that was even heard in the soup, proving that to be current, Paulina did not need a great voice (something she never had and will never have) but a style.

Times have changed and, forced by Sony, Paulina had to get rid of her old managers and all the entourage she had —who, frankly, only lived off her, giving her the pill— ​​to resume her career from scratch. However, she is not stupid at all and she knows what is good for her, so she has created a strategy that allows her to be closer to the public and the media; now he even grants interviews, something that before he did not deign to do even by mistake, and he also wants to do a bioseries, taking advantage of the fever of these formats, although he does not want to do one in the style of Silvia Pinal, la Guzmán or Luis Miguel.

In fact, the format that seems to have attracted the daughter of the famous Susana Dosamantes the most is one that has not yet been done in Mexico: her desire is to produce —in partnership with her brother Enrique, who is a producer, and some streaming platform (because he knows that the future is there)—a bioseries that will serve to continue rehabilitating his image, and to celebrate his three decades as a solo artist; but the format that she wants is more similar to the one created by Rocío Carrasco, the daughter of Rocío Jurado, who has caused a furor in Spain.

Rocíito, as the controversial daughter of the singer and boxer Pedro Carrasco, both deceased, is known in Spain, has had a scandalous life without really dedicating herself to anything more than living off the melodrama of being famous just because that’s how she was born, however , paralyzed Spain in 2021 by broadcasting a long interview where she told her “truth” with some interventions by family and acquaintances, interspersed with “reenactments” and she maintained full control of the narrative.

This is what Paulina wants for herself, and she is already working on it, although it has not transpired how advanced her project is, sources close to the singer say that it might see the light of day this year and with it she seeks to establish a definitive distance with Timbiriche. something that he has already begun to do in a very notorious way – not only by refusing to participate in the reunion tours, which would have resulted in good money – by making some cutting comments in interviews, including those in which he distanced himself from the matter of Sasha and Luis de Llano, saying “nothing like that happened to me”, without being empathetic or supportive of her partner.

Paulina is a complex and temperamental character and if she achieves what she sets out to do this time, she would not only break a format, she would also fully regain control over her public image and that, for a woman in today’s artistic environment, is a triumph.


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