Paul Magnette’s Statement on Becoming Prime Minister and Government Formation – RTL Info Signatures

2023-12-13 20:14:00

Paul Magnette was the guest of RTL info Signatures this Wednesday. The president of the Socialist Party made an astonishing statement in the newspaper l’Écho not long ago, “vu la situation d’Alexander de Croo [dont le parti chute au niveau des intentions de vote, ndlr], It’s not so bad to have given up on being Prime Minister in 2023“. However, the mayor of Charleroi said to himself “available“to exercise the post of Prime Minister during the next legislature.”I said I was available because I think the logic is that the prime ministership should go to the biggest family and the biggest party in the coalition. In 2020, I might have demanded this same position, but I didn’t“, explains Paul Magnette.

But isn’t the president of the PS afraid of putting his party in danger by accepting this post? “I do things in order, first I strive to form the most progressive government possible“, he preferred to answer.

During the interview, Paul Magnette also clarified that he “would do anything to avoid going with the N-VA“, but did not formulate a categorical rejection of Bart De Wever’s party.

paul magnette signatures prime minister alexander de croo

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