Patricia Estremera and Carlos Pinedo, best actress and actor at the Friends of the Theatre Awards

The companies Corsario Theatre and El Delirio Theatre; The interpreters Elena Benito, Patricia Estremera and Carlos Pinedoand the director of the Calderón Theater, Jose Maria Vitericollected this Sunday the 35th Friends of the City and Province of Valladolid Theatre Awards, at a gala attended by the mayor, Jesus Julio Carnero.

In this edition, held precisely at the Calderón Theater, the Felix Hernandez Award The award for the best stage proposal went to Teatro Corsario, for ‘Return to Celama’a successful return to the mythical territory and the original universe of the novels Luis Mateo Diezrecently awarded the Cervantes Prize.

He Clemen Madero Award The award for best non-professional actor or actress went to Elena Benitofor his magnificent performance in ‘August’, by Tracy Lettsversion and address of Orencio Fruits, company production Olid Chest.

He Angel Maria de Pablos Award for the best professional work in the arts and letters will be for Jose Maria Viteri, for the culmination of a life dedicated to theatre, in recent years at the head of the Teatro Calderón in Valladolid.

He Angel Velasco Award He conquered it The Delirium Theatre Group, for his defense of amateur theater in the rural world and the organization of the Quintanilla Actúa National Amateur Theater Competition together with the Quintanilla de Onésimo City Council.

He Best Professional Actress Award It was for Patricia Estremera, for his excellent performance in ‘Von Lusting, the man who sold the Eiffel Tower’, a show by the Los absurdos theatre company. And the Best Professional Actor Award recognized the work of Carlos Pinedo in the play ‘The Mayor of Zalamea’, by Teatro Corsario, directed by Jesús Peña.



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