2023-09-07 03:13:00
The presidential candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, launched her government platformahead of the October elections. Under the concept of “An ordered country”, Bullrich develops 22 axes with proposals, among which are included a “irreversible” reform of the State, bimonetarism, the end of the stocks, removing the subsidies to Aerolíneas Argentinas, new collective labor agreements and promises to “end inflation”.
After presenting six members of his current team of spokespersons on Monday, with Carlos Melconian confirmed as possible Minister of EconomyMauricio Macri’s former Security Minister began her platform with a key axis: Economic policy, the only one that contains a breakdown of strategic objectives. For Bullrich, the priorities are “to release and boost production”; perform a “Comprehensive state reform”, which specifies that it would be “irreversible”, and “reorder the economy to end inflation”.
The rest of the fundamentals of the cambiemita proposal, detailed in an 86-page file that the candidate shared on her Twitter account, are: Production, Agribusiness, Energy, Mining, Tourism, Infrastructure and Housing, Anti-Corruption, State Reform, Security , Defense, Justice, Foreign Policy, Labor Policies, Women, Education, Social Policies, Health, Environment, Culture, Sports and Youth.
Economic policy
In his first axis, Bullrich points towards a “new exchange regime, without traps, which allows free export and import”; “fiscal responsibility, with immediate zero deficit” and the “Central Bank autonomy with a prohibition on financing the government, and that its authorities be designated by Congress, with mandates that do not coincide with the presidential term”.
It confirms the discussion on bimonetarism “so that the peso and the dollar can coexist”; the “immediate removal of holds of regional productions” and the reduction of the rest and, in terms of the tax burden, proposes its simplificationeliminating “all taxes with little or no collection”.
It also seeks a new federal agreement with the provinces, the elimination of regulatory obstacles to the economy and “modernize the labor regime” in order to “end litigiousness”. He is interested in “free trade agreements with various countries and regions”.
State reform
The candidate for president of Together for Change has already mentioned that she would seek an “austere” State, for which she stated that would cut the number of ministries in half, without specifying which ones. “We are going to reduce political positions to a minimum,” he promised and recalled that they seek the “rationalization of public companies” so that there are no deficit entities.
infrastructure and housing
Regarding connectivity, this axis clarifies that it will not give subsidies to the flag carrier: “Aerolíneas Argentinas: following a short transition period, it will stop receiving state subsidies. We will implement an economic and financial management audit of the company. The company will present a business plan to be self-sustaining”.
Likewise, Bullrich would repeal the DNU that established during the pandemic that the telecommunications sector is an essential public service. It would implement public-private schemes to generate housing, it would promote a loan fund for young people’s first rental and it would promote access to mortgage credit.
It would also promote “decongesting the AMBA”, promoting another 200 cities to turn them into a “focus of growth and work”. It would seek to modernize ports, expand the waterway and expand drinking water and 4G coverage.
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labor policies
According to the interpretation of the Together for Change candidate, in Argentina “for almost 15 years private formal employment has not been created” and this is the consequence of a “Labor trial industry”. Therefore, he proposesupdate collective agreements, including the elimination of ultraactivity and the negotiation of new agreements according to the current labor market. In addition, we will seek to facilitate the negotiation of agreements by company”.
With the aim of integrating young people between the ages of 18 and 25 without work or secondary studies, Patricia Bullrich proposes launching the “voluntary civic service in values”, a renewed and optional alternative to compulsory military service.
Bullrich affirmed that “we are on our way to the narco-state”, for which it would seek to combat organized crime “deploying federal forces with logistical support from the Armed Forces in critical areas such as Rosario and the Conurbano”. He also promised to “protect the national territory from occupations, attacks and extortion from extremist organizations”.
Regarding public order, he maintained that they would try to “end the blockades, the occupations and the illegal cuts”, they would intensify patrolling, intelligence and control, along with “prevention of other risk factors, such as nightlife and alcohol consumption”. Also, he said that would strengthen “the system for the protection of witnesses, repentants, victims and officials”.
Bullrich would seek protect the copsestablishing the special legitimate defense and restricting preventive detention for them, while it would drive the lowering of the age of criminal responsibility.
Patricia Bullrich proposes “leaving Zaffaronism behind”, “repealing a large number of laws that only disturb, affect property rights and hinder activities” and promote “a comprehensive reform of the prison systembuilding maximum security prisons, with communication blockades, and mandatory isolation regimes for leaders of criminal organizations.”
You are also interested inofficials without privileges. They must live just like the rest of the citizens. The petty cash, cars, pay phones and all the privileges and perks are over,” he said.

Social politics
Patricia Bullrich would carry out an audit with re-registration of beneficiaries of social plans and would control the school attendance of AUH beneficiaries. It would also make social plans compatible with employment and would transform “the plans into Unemployment Insurance that temporarily covers those people who are unemployed”.
“The plan Enhance Workwhich brings together almost 1,300,000 adults with the possibility of working, will become from the first day of government in a temporary unemployment insurance. With the unemployment insurance system, people with this social plan must demonstrate monthly that they sought employment, attended an educational institution or received training in a professional training institute, ”he explained on his platform.
Bullrich promised in his platform that, if he wins, he would guarantee “citizen participation in the control of the State through the online access to all public information (hiring, remuneration, travel, expenses and entourages), the publicity of the management of interests and the registration of public hearings”.
He also mentioned that he would prohibit the hiring of family members in the State, he would carry out “a policy of no tolerance for officials involved in corruption cases” and that a federal agreement “for transparency” would be a requirement for the allocation of resources.
In this axis, the candidate promises to reform the laws of Internal Security and Defense, create a “corps of the United Armed Forces of the South” and “hierarchize and equalize the salary of the Armed Forces with the Security Forces in the first three months of the government”.
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Patricia Bullrich would prioritize promoting trade agreements hand in hand with Mercosur and pointedly highlighted “relaunch the relationship with Brazil and the region”. He would be interested in “boosting regional economies and federal industrial development”, encouraging “green economies” and proposed promoting “the knowledge economy and industry 5.0 to carry out the transition of Argentine industry to the fourth industrial revolution”.
The Together for Change candidate believes that “agriculture is the engine of Argentina” and, therefore, would try to “facilitate and increase exports.” “We are going to eliminate the exchange rate gap between inputs and outputs and, from day one, release all export quotas”, he promised on his platform and redoubled: “We are going to prohibit by law the power of the Government to restrict exports”.
In addition to the elimination of withholdings that he mentioned in the Economic Policy axis, for Agribusiness it specifies that the “horizon for the reduction of the rest of the withholdings” would be during “the first term of government.” He would also intend to open new Mercosur trade agreements with the European Union and EFTA; improve and expand the transportation infrastructure, and reorganize SENASA to “decrease the times of the requirements.”
Along this axis, Bullrich proposes promoting competition with “clear and stable rules for all energy markets” and “order the gas and electricity markets to eliminate obstacles”. It also promises to “complete the infrastructure works of gas to ensure supplies in the north of the country and thus enable exports”.

“We will promote a sustainable mining”, proposed the presidential candidate, through “solid, modern and efficient institutions, both national and provincial, within the framework of a new State policy that offers institutional guarantees as a tool to attract investment, with special focus on critical minerals” .
Foreign policy
In this axis, Bullrich recovers the tone of the speech of former president Mauricio Macri and promises “position Argentina in the world, building predictability and trust”. He says that he will “promote and continue with the regional integration process, maintaining the South Atlantic peace zone” and that he will uphold “the claim for the full exercise of our sovereignty over the Falkland Islands in international forums.
“It is a priority to guarantee the safety of tourist activities, without cuts, usurpations, extortions or robberies”, stated the former Minister of Security, with the aim of consolidating “the Argentine brand”, increasing “international receptive tourism to 10 million visitors”.
According to Patricia Bullrich, “tourism will be one of the engines to recover the growth of the Argentine economy.” At this point, she anticipates that she would generate “the arrival of new airlines and direct flights between provinces”.
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The candidate would carry out “an accessible, integrated and federal complaints line”, while would increase the penalties of those who fail to comply with protection measures in cases of gender violence and would create a unified record of them. It would also encourage companies to incorporate initiatives with a gender perspective and promised “strong support for women entrepreneurs.”
For the candidate, the greatest difficulty in the educational processes is being “hostage to controversies and discussions”, for which she would declare the education as an “essential service”, since “the right to strike should not be above the right of children to learn”. To that same end, he would attempt to establish a Federal Agreement with 190 annual school days.
It would also boost pre-professional practices in schools “with flexible offers and spaces”, it would professionalize the teaching career and “modernize” the university system, promoting “shorter careers and intermediate degrees”. Regarding CONICET, he proposed that researchers present “periodic progress”, but recognized that it is a “world reference organization”.
Proposes the Comprehensive digitization of the national health system and compliance with Mandatory Medical Plan. It would also open the “freedom of action in PAMI”. In this sense, he points out that “those who retire and want to remain in their social work may do so without restrictions.”

Unlike the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Bullrich considers that climate change “constitutes a serious risk” and that it is important to protect the environment ” once morest pollution and the depredation of natural resources.” To do this, he would seek to “order and expand sanitation infrastructuresolving the problems of open-air dumps, sewers and wastewater”.
It also proposes to “effectively prosecute wildlife trafficking, the illegal exploitation of natural resources, and avoid the depredation or illegal occupation of National Parks”.
The candidate considers that “the production of critical minerals for the energy transition, such as lithium or copper in Argentina, will also be key to mitigating climate change globally, since without them it is not possible to expand the infrastructure and the operation of electric vehicles.
Together for Change believes that the key to culture is the “content creation”, so it would promote the cultural industries and would prioritize “the global insertion of Argentine cultural productions.” He also mentions the “decentralization of cultural poles”.
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Bullrich proposes to develop a plan federal of sports, promote social sport with special attention to childrenpromote the sport of high performance and “to recover the insertion at an international level, to attract investments and for Argentina to once once more be that country where everyone wants to come to compete and train.”
The candidate would seek to strengthen “the prevention of school dropouts and the improvement of educational quality.” She also exposed on her platform the “promotion of a Credit fund for the first youth rentalintended to finance administrative expenses for the start and renewal of the rental contract and removals of young people who are not considered subject to credit by formal banks, either due to their low income or lack of guarantees”.
“The protection of the health of young people is also key, for which the policies with the provinces will be adapted. In turn, programs to strengthen mental health and prevention of risk behaviors and addictions They are decisive, even more so for a population group that suffered seriously from the restrictions imposed by the government during the pandemic,” Bullrich said in the document.
Finally, he proposed “remembering that young people are the main victims of crime and violenceTherefore, programs will be developed to protect them in all areas of their lives: public roads, transportation, schools, sports, and nightlife.”
#Patricia #Bullrichs #government #plan #bimonetarism #stocks #unemployment #insurance