Patriarchal liturgy on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary – Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyiv Patriarchate

On August 28, 2024, the Orthodox Church celebrates the great twelfth holiday – the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On the occasion of the holiday, Patriarch Filaret of Kyiv and All Russia-Ukraine celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Volodymyr Patriarchal Cathedral of Kyiv.

The day before, on the evening of August 27, His Holiness Patriarch Filaret held an all-night vigil in the cathedral.

The abbot of the Volodymyr Cathedral, Archpriest Borys Tabachek and the clergy of the temple co-served at the divine service of His Holiness.

After the sacrament verse, the priest of the cathedral, Archpriest Oleksandr Shmurygin, delivered a sermon on the essence of the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God.

The festive service ended with a prayer to the Mother of God in front of her shroud and the congregational singing of the prayer “My Queen, Preblega”.

Today, August 28, Archpriest Borys Tabachek, rector of the St. Volodymyr Patriarchal Cathedral, celebrates his 70th birthday. After the end of the divine service, Patriarch Filaret congratulated Father Boris on his anniversary, thanked him for his many years of sacrificial pastoral service and honored him with the Church Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Volodymyr, 1st degree.

“We pray that the Lord will keep you in good health, so that you will continue to serve in this beautiful Volodymyr Cathedral for many years,” the Primate wished, in particular, Father Boris.

His Holiness Patriarch Filaret congratulated the clergy and parishioners on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and invoked God’s blessing on everyone.

We will honor the Holy Mother of God and turn to her in prayers, because she is the all-powerful Intercessor of the Christian race. She showed the power of Her prayers before Her beloved Son through many miraculous icons, which are material witnesses of Her heavenly help to Christians who turn to Her with prayers. We will beseech the Mother of God, so that she, through her all-powerful prayers before her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, will help us, all our people, to be freed from the invasion of the Russian foreign invaders, to defeat all evil and untruth, and also to deserve the long-awaited just peace, prosperity and blessed eternal life .

Holy Mother of God, save us and help us!

Press service of the Kyiv Patriarchate

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