Patras: When we park our car without considering any of our fellow human beings! – PHOTO – 2024-07-22 22:19:02

Patras: When we park our car without considering any of our fellow human beings!  – PHOTO
 – 2024-07-22 22:19:02

It’s Monday night, on a day off city and the clock reads 23:26.

My gaze as I walk up Gounari Street – on Boukauri Street – “falls” on this car and something doesn’t suit me(!)

Oh, but of course because it’s parked in the crosswalk, where a pedestrian, another citizen in a wheelchair or a blind person can cross!

His pictures they speak for themselves, as we are talking about a main street of the city, which is also uphill (on Boukauri where the vehicle in question is parked) which means that where the vehicle in question is, it makes it difficult for passing drivers and they do not have sufficient visibility.

There are not a few times that we hear outside about “what is right” and that “today we lack Education”. But both propriety and morality have to do with simple everyday things that we do or don’t do ourselves and reflect society itself, but also with those questions that would certainly be food for thought and good for all of us : “If I were in difficult position X would I like this?” If I had my pram and wanted to go through, would I like that?’

Tonight may be an incident. However, for each of these “small incidents” that can be observed, much more is erased, even through an image…

Patras: When we park our car without considering any of our fellow human beings!  – PHOTO
 – 2024-07-22 22:19:02



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#Patras #park #car #fellow #human #beings #PHOTO



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