Patras, the international city of the Olympic Anthem, honored Philhellenic Aris Babikian – 2024-08-07 22:32:32

Patras, the international city of the Olympic Anthem, honored Philhellenic Aris Babikian
 – 2024-08-07 22:32:32

In the crowded Art Gallery, “Gallery Odeio”, Germanou 30, of the “Kostis Palamas” Culture-Olympics Center, co-organized by the Hellenic Canadian Congress and the “Kostis Palamas” Fine Arts Association of Patras, they hosted and honored the Philhellenic and member of the Canadian Congressman Ari Babikian for his great contribution in supporting the recognition of the Armenian and Pontian Genocide in Canada and America.
An international personality who felt the warm hospitality of the hosts Theodoros and Georgia Iachos Mallias and was impressed by the sights of Patras.

Greetings were addressed by the representative of Rev. Metropolitan of Patras, Archimandrite Prokopis Kordas, the Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism Development Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, representing the Regional Governor Nektarios Farmakis and the President of the Pontian Lighthouse of Patras Dimitris Antoniadis.

Patras, the international city of the Olympic Anthem, honored Philhellenic Aris Babikian
 – 2024-08-07 22:32:32

A written warm greeting was addressed by the Deputy Minister of Culture, Jason Fotilas, the Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia in Athens, Tigran Mkrtchyan and the Ambassador of Peru

The Vice-President of the Hellenic Canadian Congress, nuclear physicist Konstantinos Pappas pointed out in an impressive way the important national work of the Hellenic Canadian Congress that prevented the provision of weapons systems by the Canadian government to Turkey and emphasized the importance of strengthening the relations of Hellenism in Canada through the known for the Social and National actions, of the Hellenic American Congress with agencies and organizations of our City.

Then the emeritus professor of the University of Patras, Petros Grubos presented the honored person Aris Babikian analyzing the size of his personality.

Then Aris Babikian in his speech emphasized to the audience the importance of the cooperation of the bodies of Hellenism and other ethnicities for the substantial achievement of common goals such as the blocking in Turkey of the arms purchase and the recognition of the Armenian and Pontian Genocides.


The professor, Dr. Mallias Theodoros explained to the guest that he is honored by Patras as the International City of the Olympic Anthem and because of the Olympic Games the special video edited by him entitled: “The legendary moments of Olympism in the modern Olympic Games” was shown

Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos gave the honoree the monumental album of the author Dr. Mallias Theodorou entitled: “Olympism – Olympic anthem – Kostis Palamas” which highlights and honors the Olympic City of Patras and the lyricist of the Olympic anthem Kostis Palamas.

Finally, the event culminated with songs by Greek composers performed with excellent quality by the “Ionian Orchestra” with the musicians Christos Panagiotopoulos and Elena Voulgaris.


The event was presented in the most dignified way by renowned journalists, Panagiotis Rigopoulos and TV journalist Achilleas Papadionisiou.

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