Patras – Mentally Sufferers: Tragic Hospitalization Conditions

  • About one in four people will experience a mental disorder in their lifetime.
  • Mental disorder affects people of all ages, children, teenagers, young adults and the elderly.

The experts’ remarks are clear and come back to the fore on the occasion of yesterday’s World Mental Health Day. Although all people have the right to the highest possible level of good mental health structures for their care in our country are not sufficient. The situation is much worse in the Region of Western Greece.

“Peloponnisos” has highlighted the results of the recording made by the committee formed by the management of the Medical Association of Patras, which reflect the tragic state of mental health services in the region of Achaia and Western Greece in general. There is a lack of hospital and community care structures in the region compared to national and European levels.

The result of the lack of primary structures is the high rate of involuntary hospitalizations in psychiatric clinics, which is 87.4%, far exceeding the national and European average.

Individual structures, such as the “St. Andreas” Mental Health Center and the Hellenic Center for Mental Health and Research have ensured a framework of holistic care for the mentally ill.

In particular, the Hellenic Center for Mental Hygiene and Research completes 40 years of operation this year and is the first outpatient unit that operated in our region. He has made pioneering leaps in the care of the mentally ill.

Among them is the Social Cooperative of Limited Liability – COISPE “Faros”, which has opened paths to professional rehabilitation for 70 mentally ill people.

As the psychiatrist and director of the Center Stefanos Koulis reports to “P”, “70 patients are currently employed in the services we have developed. A very significant number of sufferers who have been professionally rehabilitated with what this of course entails for their treatment and social reintegration”.

In particular, groups of “Faros” workers have undertaken the following projects:
⦁ PGNP and “Agiou Andreas” clothing cleanliness.
⦁ Cleanliness of Karamandanei.
⦁ Telesecretariat-appointment of “Agiou Andreas”, as well as of private clinics.
⦁ Cleaning of Health Centers and TOMY (Achaia-Ilia-Aitoloakarnania).
⦁ Cleaning of EOPYY-EKAB and OKANA offices.
⦁ Care of an island at the entrance of the city.

“We have found a great response in the health sector (6th Ministry of Health, hospitals) and in the Region of Western Greece. The State also helps us and facilitates us, so that we can have collaborations with agencies” Mr. Koulis told us, announcing at the same time that:

“Now we also have a pilot office to support patients who join the free labor market. Four such offices operate in our country. We have already placed three patients in businesses (a restaurant cleaner and an agronomist in a nursery) and we are moving forward.”

On behalf of the patients, the president of the Association of Persons with Mental Disabilities of Achaia “STHENOS” Dimitris Fotopoulos said on the occasion of today to “P”: “World Mental Health Day again this year, but with many difficulties for Persons with Mental Disabilities. Nothing is given for us, every day is a struggle with the disease, discrimination, but also with ourselves”, explaining:

“The prejudices are still there and the stigma too. We need more support and education from the State to survive and find opportunities, so we can feel self-confidence and self-esteem again. The economic crisis for us never ends. Disability benefits are not even enough for our basic needs. Most mentally ill people don’t work, either because they can’t or because they don’t have the opportunities to try. Many members of our Association find it difficult to contact the services and may stay for a long time without psychiatric and psychological help”.


Referring to the hospitalization conditions, Mr. Fotopoulos underlines:
“Hospital conditions are sometimes harsh and when you leave a psychiatric clinic you feel that everything is a “mountain”! Relationships with family, therapy, medication, friends, all change. Life does not stop of course, but a lot changes in our daily life. Anxiety and pressure to find a job, to succeed while your mood is on the floor, to find strength in yourself not to give up”.

He acknowledges that “in Patras we are luckier, because there are several structures we can turn to, such as the Mental Health Center, KOISPE, SOPSY and find ways out and support. But in more remote areas, such as Kalavryta, Aegio and the villages of Achaia, things are more difficult. We talk about social integration, but without doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, how will we have the right treatment? How do we regain our functionality after a crisis? We need support, not pity. That is why the “STHENOS” Association will try to become the voice of as many people with Mental Disabilities in our region as possible”.


The Regional Federation of Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with the Region, its member unions and mental health agencies, is today organizing actions to inform and raise awareness among citizens on mental health issues, combating stigma and exclusion of people with mental disabilities. From 10:00-13:00 volunteers from the mental health agencies will be on the pedestrian street of Riga Feraios and Agios Nikolaos and will distribute informational material to citizens. The day after tomorrow Saturday (10:00-14:00), in the hall of the Patras Port Organization will be held, in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Health responsible for Mental Health Dimitris Vartzopoulos, an open discussion with representatives of public and private institutions, organizations, associations and mental health structures with the aim of highlighting the problems faced by people with mental disabilities and the existing structures in Region of Western Greece, in Zakynthos and Kefalonia.


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#Patras #Mentally #Sufferers #Tragic #Hospitalization #Conditions



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