Patras International Festival: On Wednesday the tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis – 2024-07-30 18:03:43

Patras International Festival: On Wednesday the tribute to Grigoris Bithikotsis
 – 2024-07-30 18:03:43

The section dedicated to the great Greek performers of the Patras International Festival continues on Wednesday 31 July at 9.30 pm at the Pampeloponnesia Stadium in Patras, with a special concert for Grigoris Bithikotsis.

It is a tribute to the original and unpretentious popular voice that marked our musical history indelibly and became the means for the most important works of the Greek intellectual to reach the Greek people and become their heritage.

Grigoris Bithikotsis wrote his own important story in Greek song, a story tied to moments and events of our recent history and our lives. He was fortunate to collaborate with great composers and to be the first singer to put great poetry into the mouths of the people.
The concert will feature songs from the great moments of Grigoris Bithikotsis’s long career in Greek song in the 20th century. Songs through which the greatness of the performer of the great and thousands-sung popular songs is highlighted.

His collaboration with Mikis Theodorakis and his unsurpassed performances in his works “O Epitafios” and “Romiosyn” in the poetry of Yiannis Ritsou and “Axion Esti” in the poetry of Odysseus Elytis, were those that sealed his presence in Greek song.

An important moment in his career was his collaboration with Manos Hadjidakis. “I’m an eagle without wings”, “The weather is passing”, “There is a dance in Lavrio”, “Talk to me” etc. are some of the songs that stand out.
But he also collaborated with other great composers, such as Stavros Xarchakos (“Aponi Zoi”, “White Day and for us”), Apostolos Kaldaras, Markos Vamvakaris, Vassilis Tsitsanis, George Mitsakis, Dimos Moutsis, Akis Panou etc. He wrote more than 200 songs, many of which he performed.

They interpret: Grigoris Bithikotsis, Vassilis Lekkas, Babis Tsertos, Gerasimos Andreatos, Costas Triantafyllidis, Stavroula Esambalidis

Artistic Curation – Orchestrations: Nikos Stratigos

Ticket supply: Joe Records Record Store (Karaiskaki 134), Rodopoulos Bookstore (Corinthou 274).

Online availability:

Ticket prices: General admission €10.00, student – ​​unemployed and people over 65 €7.00, group €5.00

#Patras #International #Festival #Wednesday #tribute #Grigoris #Bithikotsis



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