Patras: Concert “We Worship Your Passions” by Polyfoniki – 2024-04-21 15:44:04

An excellent concert of religious music was held by the Holy Church of Pantanassi of Patras, on Monday 15/04/2024, with the theme “We Worship Your Passions”, with the presence of His Eminence the Metropolitan of Patras K.K. Chrysostomos and the Theophilest Bishop of Kernitsa, Mr. Chrysanthou.

In the packed and beautifully lit I.N. Pantanassis (more than 700 people attended the concert), the program was opened by the Head of I.N. Pantanassis, Protopresbyter Fr. Konstantinos Papadopoulos, who particularly referred to the occasion of Great Lent, while then the BYZANTINE CHORUS of “POLYFONIKIS” under the direction of the choir master and President of the Board of Directors, Yannis Kottoros, performed the Hymns: “I DIRECT MY PRAYER…”, at the Consecrated Divine Liturgy. Sound pl. A, “DO NOT TURN AWAY…”, Great topic. Member Constantinos Panas. Sound pl. D’, “KATANYKTIKA MEGALIS TESSARAKOSTIS”, “TAIS LISTRIKAIS EFODOIS…”, Idiomelon Aposticho of the Great Canon. Member of Iakovos Protopsaltos. Sound pl. D’, “UK ESTIN THE KINGDOM OF GOD…”, Glory of the praises Fifth Sunday of Lent. Member Lykourgos Petridis. Ihos A’ and “PANTON PROSTATEYES…”, Member of Chrysanthos Theodosopoulos. Sound B.

In the second part of the concert the male four-part Church Choir “G.N. TRIANTIS” by I.N. Pantanassis, under the direction of choir master Theodoros Halkiopoulos, performed the Hymns: “SE HYMNOUMEN”, Themistocles Polykratis, “THE COMMON ANASTASIS”, Georgiou Triantis, “BLESSED IS THE COMING”, Vassiliou Karpodini, “LIFE EN TAFFO”, Themistocles Polykratis, “BODY OF CHRIST” and “EXIGERTHI”, Georgiou Triantis.

The concert is overwith the MIXED CHOIR of “POLYFONIKIS”, under the direction of Mo Stavros Solomos, which performed the Hymns: “LORD MERCY”, Harmonization: Patriarch Georgias Ilias, Solo soprano: Maria Papadopoulou Solo (antiphon) tenoro: Konstantinos Stavropoulos, ” CONFESS THE LORD…”, Psalm 135, Harmonization: Theodoros Papakonstantinou, Solo soprano: Chrysa Pantazopoulou, “ALLELULUIA”, Holy and Great Monday in Orthron, harmonization: Kostas Klavvas, Psalmist: Pavlos Malliaris, “BEHOLD THE BRIDE…”, Troparion, harmonization: Kostas Klavvas, “TON NYMPHO SOU VLEPO…”, hexapostellarion, harmonization: Kostas Klavvas, Solo soprano: Marilena Nisidis.

At the end of the concert, all the choirs sang verses from the 3rd stanza of the eulogies of Great Friday, while the closing was made by His Eminence the Metropolitan of Patras, K.K. Chrysostomos, with topical messages, who also presented souvenirs of the concert to the three directors of the choirs that took part.

Patras: Concert

Patras: Concert

Patras: Concert

Patras: Concert

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#Patras #Concert #Worship #Passions #Polyfoniki



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