Pato Galván’s indignation at the attitude of his colleagues at El Hotel de los Famosos: “I suffered that they don’t believe me”

Pato Galván lost the labyrinth challenge at El Hotel de los Famosos

On Friday there was maze challenge in The Hotel of the Famouswhere it was defined that Alfredo Pato Galván would be the first duelist and soon after it was learned that Walter Queijeiro will be his opponent in the dreaded duel of the H. All the participants gathered for the uncomfortable moment of “all against all”, where they expose their nominations face to face and express the reasons. mobilized by the attitude shown by his colleagues since he was injured in the soccer minceddriver expressed his outrage.

Under the supervision and reporting of Leandro The Chinese leansthis time there were four competitors who faced each other in the maze: Sabrina Carballo, Majo Martino, Melody Luz and Galvan. “The best time was 4 minutes and 55 seconds, the rest exceeded 6 minutes, but with a few seconds difference: I have to tell you that the participant who did it the fastest is Melody,” announced who is in charge of the reality show of El Thirteen next to pampita Ardohain.

The second to be out of danger was Martino, and the dispute was between Sabrina and Galván. “For three seconds, Pato, you become the first duelist of the week,” El Chino told him. Disappointed, the journalist expressed his mixed feelings behind the scenes: “Somewhere it makes me happy for Sabri, because he doesn’t deserve to be there again.”In reference to elimination duel where he left out Matilda Blanco.

Pato Galván will face Walter Queijeiro in the duel of the H, and one of the two will be the new eliminated

“I see you’re angry, upset, what’s up Pato?” The driver wanted to know. “Not angry, I’m sad because I’m leaving. I mean, there’s no way tomorrow I can be okay”, sentenced the participant. Although his companions tried to encourage him and ensure that you never know when a bump occurs, Galván remained firm in his position. “I’m in very bad shape physically and I suffered a lot all week even if you don’t believe it”, he added.

“In fact, I would have liked this to have been accepted when I proposed, because I would have saved the rest from believing me. I spent the whole week enduring the doubt in me. I hope I’m wrong, but I feel like being emotional played against me”, he was honest, annoyed that after his injury he could not complete the maze last week. “I was even afraid to recover quickly because that gave reason to those who said I didn’t feel like it,” he acknowledged.

This was Alex Caniggia’s injury to Pato Galván

It should be remembered that Galván suffered a tear in his leg when the production invited Claudio el Turco Garcia. The former Racing revolutionized the day and improvised a match between the participants. He assembled the teams as he pleased, choosing Chanchi as the other captain and handing out bibs. In this framework, the controversial move occurred, just when Pato was preparing to define he did not see Caniggia coming, who hit him from the side and made him fall. The ex Stunning He could not continue and said that although the clash did not seem violent, he felt a deep pain: “I receive the elbow, an ugly blow. I get unstable and step badly, and automatically I feel the puncture in the calf”.

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“I know my body, I have been here for a long time with injuries and I know that this is going to cost me a lot”, he confessed through tears. When the doctors went to see him, he insisted on doing the maze in any way, but they did not allow it and he had to leave in an ambulance to have the tests done. “The other chabón breaks me. I shouldn’t have played, but let this serve as a precedent to know that there have to be limits”, lamented Galván and pointed against Caniggia: “You cannot play with the other’s body. Someone to lower a change, because he is going to hurt someone else or he is going to hurt himself”.


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