Patients of the Regional Vascular Center No. 2 receive high-tech medical care

Alexei, a resident of Saransk, did not think that he would end up in the hospital. He went for a regular, scheduled examination at his clinic, but suddenly he felt bad: there was pain in his chest.

“The doctors were very worried,” says Alexei. “I was given medicine, they immediately took me for an ECG, an ambulance quickly arrived and took me here, to the Republican Hospital. Here I was immediately taken to the operating room … Now I am much better.

Behind the numbers – life

We met this patient at the Regional Vascular Center No. 2, which operates at the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital. Alexei was brought here very quickly, which helped save his life.

“The patient who came to us had signs of acute coronary syndrome, suspicion of acute myocardial infarction,” says Roman Shukshin, head of the intensive care unit and intensive care unit, head of the Regional Vascular Center No. 2. “We had to act immediately. Within 10 minutes, the patient was in the operating room, he was provided with the necessary high-tech medical care. Now he feels good.

The vascular center on the basis of the huge complex of the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital was opened specifically to provide emergency care to patients with cardiovascular diseases.

“We have created all the conditions, we have collected the necessary specialists and all the necessary equipment to quickly and accurately diagnose each admitted patient, and then promptly begin his treatment,” says Sergey Ladyaev, head physician of the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital. — Every year we receive regarding 30,000 patients and perform over 10,000 surgeries. Every year, more than 2 thousand operations are performed in the vascular center No. 2. It’s not just numbers. Behind each of them is a saved life.

“From the moment when the Regional Vascular Center No. 2 was deployed, we completely changed the patient routing system, reduced the time of their delivery,” the head physician also says. — According to federal curators, our internal logistics and equipment level are among the best in Russia. It is very important that due to all these factors, mortality from strokes and myocardial infarctions has significantly decreased.

The main thing is time

The Regional Vascular Center No. 2 has its own admissions department. There, each patient is examined by doctors, if necessary, they take tests, and conduct an ECG. If emergency care is needed, the patient will be immediately taken to the intensive care unit to prepare for surgery.

“One of the main words for us is “quickly,” says the head of the neurology department, the chief neurologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova Alexander Karasev. – Heart attacks and strokes are dangerous for the death of the patient. With a stroke, the risk of becoming disabled is high. That is why time is so important. To save a person, we have from 4 and a half to 6 hours, starting from the appearance of the first signs of a stroke. The sooner a patient gets to us, the more chances we have to help him with the help of modern medical technologies. As a rule, patients are delivered to us within an hour. Thanks to timely assistance, patients who might become disabled or die remain alive and well.

Beware of youth!

Unfortunately, as doctors note, in recent years, heart attacks and strokes have become very “younger”. They happen even in people younger than 30! The reasons for this are overweight, the fact that people do not monitor nutrition, sleep and rest, do not control and treat high blood pressure, and do not undergo medical examinations.

This is why prevention of cardiovascular disease is important. To prevent the development of a stroke, it is important to have a timely examination of the vessels of the head and neck: in order to identify the danger in time and perform the operation.

Signs of heart attack and stroke

There are pains in which you need to urgently call an ambulance at home. Pain behind the sternum and in the region of the heart may be the result of angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. A heart attack is suspected if:
– pain behind the sternum – intense, burning, throbbing, does not go away and does not weaken for more than 5-10 minutes;
– pain in the chest gives under the shoulder blade or in the shoulder area, does not depend on breathing cycles;
– pain syndrome is accompanied by the appearance of severe weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache and dizziness.
In the early stages of stroke, patients cannot always adequately assess their condition. People around you need to be attentive to the signs of a stroke:
– a sharp, causeless headache of a compressive nature;
– muscle weakness, any movement is difficult;
– twisted smile, lowered corner of the mouth;
– disorientation in space. Often because of this, together with impaired speech, victims are mistaken for drunk people;
– Hearing and visual impairments.

With a brain hemorrhage, a person feels a sharp blow to the head with the next severe headache, following which he may lose consciousness. Sometimes this is followed by convulsions. Usually consciousness returns to the person, but he continues to suffer from severe headache, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
If you suspect a heart attack or stroke, call an ambulance immediately and start helping the patient: the sooner the better.

By the way

Now a new, full-fledged rehabilitation department is being created at the Republican Hospital. It should start working in the summer of 2023, 150 million rubles are allocated from the federal budget for its equipment. The specialists of the future department are already being trained in one of the best medical centers in Russia.



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