On September 9, 2024, a monument to Nelson Mandela was unveiled in Moscow in recognition of his incredible contribution to the struggle for human rights and liberation from colonial oppression on the African continent.

The monument was created by the Russian Military-Historical Society with the support of the Moscow government. The sculptor is Mikhail Baskakov. The monument is located at the intersection of Michurinsky Avenue and Ramensky Boulevard. The sculpture will become a new symbol of friendship between nations and cooperation of Russia with South Africa and other African countries.

In honor of this event, the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University created a film that deeply reveals the path and achievements of this legendary leader.

About the film “Nelson Mandela: The Path to Freedom”

The film presented to the public tells the story of Nelson Mandela not only as a great statesman and political figure, but also as a man whose life and struggle became a symbol of resilience and courage. Born in a small African village, Mandela, known as Rolihlahla – “the troublemaker” – as a child, carried throughout his life a commitment to justice and equality, perhaps inherited from his great-grandfather – the remarkable chief of the Thembu tribe.

From childhood to leadership

The film traces Mandela’s journey from his youth, when he was passionate about sport and developing as a person, to the time when he became a world-renowned fighter against apartheid.

The path of struggle

At university, Nelson participated in the campaign to disobedience unjust laws. In the 1950s, he deepened his philosophical views and aspired to create a classless society, inspiring those around him with his belief in justice.

Moving to decisive actions

After the Sharpeville tragedy in 1960, Mandela and his companions understood that radical measures were necessary. In 1961, the armed wing of the ANC, “Umkhonto we Sizwe” (The Spear of the Nation), was created, with Nelson as one of its leaders.

Unwavering Spirit and Legacy

After his arrest in 1962 and 27 years of imprisonment, Mandela’s iron will and adherence to principles remained unwavering. In prison, he not only studied and wrote, but also inspired people around the world with his courage and resilience.


In 1994, Mandela became South Africa’s first black president, focusing on racial reconciliation and social improvements. Improving education and health care were his priorities. He handed over power peacefully in 1999.

Public activities

After his presidency, Mandela fought against HIV/AIDS and supported charitable projects. His foundations worked actively in the fields of education and health care. Mandela continued to participate in international affairs and remained a symbol of the struggle for human rights.

Concept you film

The creators of the film sought to create a deep and comprehensive portrait of Nelson Mandela – the man, the patriot, the leader. His principles of justice and kindness continue to motivate young people around the world, and for his merits he received the popular name “Madiba”, meaning “the one who is loved”.

We offer viewers a unique opportunity to delve into the story of the life and triumphs of one of the most important leaders of the 20th century.

The film is available on the YouTube channel of the Russian-African Club of Lomonosov Moscow State University in English and French at the following links:

– IN:

– FR:

– FR:

Source : Russian African Club

2024-09-18 09:06:02
#Path #Freedom #film #Lomonosov #Moscow #State #University

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Element: A Comprehensive Guide


element is one of the most versatile ‍and ⁢widely used HTML elements. It is a generic ​container element⁣ that is used to ‍group elements together‌ for ⁢styling, layout, or semantic purposes. In this article, ‌we will​ explore⁤ the

element in depth, covering its syntax, uses, and best practices.


The ⁢basic syntax of the

element is as follows:



element can contain⁣ any type of content, ​including text, images, links, forms, tables, and more.

Uses of


element has several uses, including:

Grouping elements:⁣ The

element is often used to group elements together for styling or layout purposes. For example,⁣ you can use a

⁤element to group a heading, paragraph, ⁢and image together.

Semantic meaning: The

element can be used to add semantic ⁢meaning to a section of a document. For example, you can use a‍

‌element to⁣ wrap a⁢ footer section or a​ sidebar.

Layout: The

element can be used ​to create complex layouts using CSS grid or flexbox.

Styling: The

element can ⁤be used to apply styles to a ⁣group of elements.

Best Practices

When using the

element, it’s essential to follow best ⁤practices ​to ensure that your code is readable, maintainable, and accessible. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Use⁢ meaningful IDs and‌ classes: Use meaningful IDs and​ classes to⁢ identify the purpose of the⁢

element ‍and to apply styles.

Avoid unnecessary nesting: Avoid nesting multiple ​

elements unnecessarily, ⁣as this can lead ‌to bloated⁣ code and slower page ‍loading times.

Use ARIA attributes: Use ARIA attributes to add accessibility features to the ‌


Test for accessibility: Test ⁣your code for accessibility ‍using​ tools like WAVE or Lighthouse.

Common Mistakes

When‌ using the

element, it’s easy to make mistakes that can affect ⁤the accessibility⁢ and maintainability of your code. Here are some‌ common mistakes to avoid:


‍ as a substitute for semantic elements: Avoid using the ‍

element as a substitute for semantic elements like
