Path of Exile 2: Gameplay Teaser and Beta Testing Details Revealed at ExileCon Festival

2023-11-23 20:58:24

“id”:2295936,”type”:”num”,”link”:” tizer-igry-v-nem-personazh-ispolzuet-ognesrelnoe-oruzhie”,”gtm”:””,”prevCount”:null,”count”:185,”isAuthorized”:false “id”:2295936,” type”:1,”typeStr”:”content”,”showTitle”:false,”initialState”:”isActive”:false,”gtm”:”” “id”:2295936,”gtm”:null 7.8K views 5.6K opens 1 repost In the summer of 2023, Grinding Gear Games studio held the ExileCon festival, where it shared details about Path of Exile 2. At the same time, it became known that closed beta testing of the game would begin on June 7, 2024.
#authors #Path #Exile #showed #gameplay #teaser #game #character #firearms #Editorial #Articles

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