Pastoral team on the move in the Welser Tiergarten

From April 13th, the team from “Seelsorge Weg” will be present once more in the Welser Tiergarten. Pastors will be available for talks every Thursday and Friday followingnoon until May 12th.

“We humans need encounters, we need someone to be interested in us, in what moves us,” that is one of the central concerns of the project, in which, among others, Gabriele Miglbauer (“Klinikum-Seelsorge”), Birgit Krenn and Elena Gratzer (both “KernZone-main thing youth”) get involved.

They see church not only as a building, but want to approach people, have an open ear and heart for them. At their station, visitors can fortify themselves with fresh fruit, fill up on optimism, let shimmering soap bubbles dance in the air and start a conversation with them regarding God and the world.


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