Pasteur Institute: Snake venom molecules for the treatment of heart diseases

The Laboratory of Biological Molecules, Toxins and Therapeutic Applications (LBVAT) of the Pasteur Institute of Tunis obtained on August 20, 2024, official approval from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to promote artificial molecules extracted from snake venom as a treatment for heart diseases, particularly heart attacks.

This project, called Collabora-Technopole, was launched in 2012 under the direction of Professor Arij Messadi. After twelve years of research, the innovation was filed on March 15, 2024. Tests carried out on mice showed the effectiveness of the molecules compared to traditional treatments.

The Ministry has allocated a budget of 200,000 dinars to continue research and obtain a patent by the end of 2026. This national project highlights the importance of innovation and the potential of animal toxins for the development of new drugs.



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