“Passed” the proposal of Spirtzis for the Pothen Esches of the candidates

“Passed” the proposal of Spirtzis for the Pothen Esches of the candidates

According to the results of the votes in the Central Committee of SYRIZA, the proposal of Christos Spirtzis, regarding the obligation to submit the declaration “Pothen Esches” by the candidates for the leadership of the party, narrowly “passed”.

In particular, the proposal of Christos Spirtzis “passed” with 87 votes in favor and 84 votes against.

Earlier, Christos Spirtzis said: “Transparency, truth, honesty towards every citizen is a valuable principle of our party. Today, after the traumatic picture of reports and insinuations of black funds and comrade targeting leaks, there is a pressing need to prove in deeds and not in words that neither our party nor our cadres have anything to hide.

In this context, the candidate presidents of the party will submit with their candidacy, the “Pothen Esches” that they have submitted to the competent authorities, so that they will be published on the website of SYRIZA-PS before their announcement by the Congress”.

And he added that “in this context, offensive references against the personality of executives, parliamentarians and members of the party and in fact about collective decisions of the bodies such as “hooded men”, “coups”, “diversions” etc. as well as behaviors and actions, which target MPs and party officials are absolutely reprehensible and have nothing to do with the left.”

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#Passed #proposal #Spirtzis #Pothen #Esches #candidates



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