“Passed” the proposal for the timetable and the Spirtzis proposal for Pothen Esches, when will Congress and elections be held

“Passed” the proposal for the timetable and the Spirtzis proposal for Pothen Esches, when will Congress and elections be held

The timetable and details for the electoral process were decided by the members of SYRIZA after the vote in the Central Committee. Where the meeting took place in an “electrified” atmosphere and with sharp positions.

Voting began shortly before 9 p.m. The first vote concerns when the extraordinary congress will take place and the election of the new president.

The Political Secretariat has proposed November 1-3 for the conference and November 24 and December 1 for the two rounds of elections. According to the result, 112 voted in favor of the proposal of the Political Secretariat, 62 in favor of the Tzakri-Kasselakis proposal and 9 in favor of the Polakis proposal. There were also two white ones.

The proposal of Christos Spirtzis was also passed with 87 in favor and 84 against for the submission of a declaration of No Matters by the candidate presidents.

As for the schedule for the internal party elections, Nikos Pappas agreed with the proposal of the “87” who were in favor of the proposal of the Political Secretariat for the road map.

Even the proposal of Thanasis Theocharopoulos on attitudes passed. In this context, behaviors that insult the personality of executives and members of the party, and in fact for collective decisions of the bodies, such as references to “hood wearers”, “coup makers”, “diversions”, as well as any other form of targeting, are reprehensible and have no relationship with the Left.

The inclusion in the text of the political decision of the condemnation of characterizations such as “hooded men” and “coup d’état”, the approval of the road map or not, the statutory or non-statutory nature of the Conference, the deposition of the Pothen Esches of the candidate Presidents, among the issues of the vote.

The side of 87 requested the holding of one more vote, the sixth in total, for the election of a new Central Committee.

Sharp positions before the vote

Former minister Christos Spirtzis submitted two additions to the decision of the Central Committee, requesting the disclosure of the whereabouts of the presidential candidates, as well as the condemnation of targeting practices against MPs and party officials.

“Transparency, truth, honesty towards every citizen is a valuable principle of our party. Today, after the traumatic picture of reports and insinuations about “black” funds and leaks targeting comrades, it is imperative to prove in action and not in words that neither our party nor our executives have anything to hide”, he stressed.

In his intervention, Yiannis Boulekos, a member of the Central Committee, raised the question of the testimony of the SYRIZA presidential candidates.

At the same time, he made a fierce attack on the associates of Stefanos Kasselakis, saying that the party “over the last year has distanced itself from the political, social and social classes that it wants to represent under the responsibility of the outgoing president”.

Yiannis Boulekos from the group of “100” emphasized that in SYRIZA “there are neither hooded men nor coup plotters” and that “Left and Opaqueness cannot be accompanied by anyone who is a candidate for president without publicly testifying about his affiliation”.

The Kasselakis – Polakis sides are converging on the acceleration of the procedures with ballots 3 weeks earlier

Pavlos Polakis called for everyone to respect the results of the elections and stay with SYRIZA. And he insisted on his proposal to speed up the internal party procedures, which will lead to the elections for the election of a new president in SYRIZA. The MP of Chania reiterated his position that the nominations should be submitted until September 29, the first vote on November 3 and the second on the 10th of the same month.

“You all know that I initially supported Stefanos, I tried to help, I forgave a lot of insults towards me, I never came out to say things in public”, he said and added: “However, that’s not how we move forward and above all we don’t win because of leadership and because of line “, said Mr. Polakis, emphasizing: “Everyone should respect the result of the elections and stay with SYRIZA”.

Famous: The choices of Stefanos Kasselakis served the plan of Kyriakos Mitsotakis who is partying at the expense of society

Mr. Famellos criticized the political choices of Mr. Kasselakis that led to the motion of censure and accused him of inconsistent political palinades, fragmentation, violation of conference decisions and at the same time phenomena of personal overpromotion and discrediting of the collective which “led in July and August to the shrinking of the appeal us and to social discredit”.

“The choices of Stefanos Kasselakis served the plan of Kyriakos Mitsotakis who is throwing parties at the expense of society. But also PASOK which collects from our liquidation”, stressed Sokratis Famellos, and characterized his reaction after the result of the censure as hypocritical “because we choose a procedure based on the statute and not whether we like the result or not. You cannot request the submission and vote of a censure and if you lose consider it undemocratic.”

At the same time, he described as unacceptable and reprehensible the characterizations of “hoodies” and “perversion”, examples of another culture and mentality on his part.

“The beheading of the KO presidium without a proposal from the PG and without any justification or deficit, and the attempt to alter our characteristics with the proposal of statutory regulations – which fortunately were rejected in the statute committee – proved the distance of the former president from our ideas and also from the characteristics of our party,” he said.

The visit of Kasselakis to Arta and the Gerovasilis message

With the Central Committee meeting, Stefanos Kasselakis chose to visit Arta, the city of Mrs. Gerovasilis, who yesterday showed the former president her exit from the party, declaring that “she will not have a second chance in the country”.

“Insecurity in politics is a sign of weakness. Stefanos Kasselakis could visit Arta on another day and not during the meeting of the Central Committee of the party he wants to lead again. Besides, in Arta we are hospitable people”, according to another post by Olga Gerovasilis.

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#Passed #proposal #timetable #Spirtzis #proposal #Pothen #Esches #Congress #elections #held



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