“PASOK will come soon” says Androulakis in response to the opposition’s NO to everything

“PASOK will come soon” says Androulakis in response to the opposition’s NO to everything

The president of PAASOK preferred to justify the incomprehensible action of his party by attacking the government representative Pavlos Marinakis: “Mockery of ASEP, mockery of Institutions. I read Mr. Marinakis’ announcement. Now did you remember? What did you do for 2.5 years with the Advocate? He is checking the case for Pylos. Why are you in such a hurry? Many things are coming, to use the prime minister’s phrase. With time comes precision, with time comes the discrediting of institutions, with time PASOK will also come to redeem the people from the ND government”.

From there on to his intervention in the Plenary Session of the Parliament, on the bill of the Ministry of the Environment regarding waste management and Renewable Energy Sources: “With this bill it is confirmed that for five and a half years, in your hands, the country has counted lost opportunities and wasted time. You come and further deforest the powers of Local Government, without any disposition to consult. The powers to you and the responsibilities to the Self-Government. The message is clear: the “staff” state of the Maximus Palace wants you as the long arm of its centralized power.”

According to Mr. Androulakis, the Waste Management Agencies in the Regions of Crete, North Aegean, Western Greece and Thessaly are abolished and merged, and the main responsibilities of the Local Government are transferred to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment and Energy, a fact that he characterized as a monument to the discrediting of Local Government. “When all the parties involved are against these mergers, why are you not open to dialogue? Do you persist because today’s mergers, in the background, hide privatization? For this reason, we request the withdrawal of the articles and the start of a serious dialogue between the ministry, KEDE, the 4 specific regions, the municipalities and the Waste Management Agencies”, underlined the president of PASOK-KINAL.

He accused the government of systematically dealing with investments in Renewable Sources in customer terms, while he stated that access to energy networks should be equal and transparent. “The energy space is not the private property of the government to be made available to the big interests. Only when the energy transition is green and socially fair, it ensures energy security and low production and living costs. Instead, your clientelistic practices have turned the energy transition into a self-serving opportunity,” he argued.

He added that with the government’s choices, the only winners were the big players who have in their hands the largest share of the energy space by ministerial decision of the previous minister K. Skrekas. “The energy space requested by the municipalities, in order to cover a part of their needs, is a crumb in front of the one you have distributed to the powerful”, claimed Mr. Androulakis and brought as an example the municipality of Argos Orestikos where 22 buildings, including schools and gyms are covered by rooftop solar, but are not allowed the terms of connection to the energy community. “Essentially, municipalities, irrigation and water supply organizations are excluded from energy production and will buy some megawatts, since there will be an auction between the powerful”, he added.

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#PASOK #Androulakis #response #oppositions

ads.js block

It looks like you’re working with a JavaScript code snippet ‍meant for ad ‌management on a website,‌ including⁣ functionality for ‌loading various ad services dynamically. Let’s break down the primary components and suggest ways to improve or complete ⁣the script.

### Key⁢ Sections of the Code

1. **AdSense Management**:

– The script ‍checks for​ mobile⁣ advertisements and removes⁢ certain elements based on conditions.

– It also fetches AdSense slots for further operations.

2. **Third-Party Integrations**:

– Integrations with‌ OneSignal for notifications.

​- Disqus for comments ⁤with a delay in script loading.

– ​Other services like Adman, Taboola, CleverCore,⁤ Glomex,​ and Vidoomy are mentioned to‌ load ⁢dynamic ads.

3. **Commented Sections**:

– There are several commented-out sections indicating potential ad services that you might want to include or exclude based ‌on some conditions.

###‍ Suggestions for Completing the Code

Here are suggestions to complete and improve the script:

1. **Load Specific Scripts**: Ensure ⁤that you fill in the URLs ⁤for loading ⁣necessary scripts ⁢(e.g., Google ‌AdSense, Taboola).

‌ ​ “`javascript

// Example of‍ filling a script URL


⁢ “`

2.⁢ **Properly Define `asyncLoadScript` and `asyncLoadModule`**: Ensure that these functions are defined elsewhere ​in your ​script, handling loading of scripts asynchronously.


⁣ function asyncLoadScript(src)⁤ {

⁣ ⁤‌ const script = document.createElement(‘script’);

‌ script.src = src;

‌ ⁤ script.async = true;

​ document.head.appendChild(script);


function ‌asyncLoadModule(moduleIdentifier) {

⁢ ⁢ // Placeholder for loading ‌a module



3. **Implement Logic for Each Ad ⁢Service**: For each ad service, make sure to implement their loading logic correctly.


‌ // Example implementation for Taboola



4. **Wrap ​Code in Load Events**: Consider wrapping parts⁤ of the script in `DOMContentLoaded`⁣ or `load` events to ensure ⁢DOM ‍is fully loaded before executing.

‌ “`javascript

document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {

// Place your initialization code here

⁢ });


5. **Handle Errors Gracefully**: Add ‍error handling‍ for script loading failures.


⁤ script.onerror‌ = function()⁢ {

console.error(‘Script failed⁣ to load: ‘ ⁣+ src);

​ ⁢ };


6. **Clarify Commented ‌Sections**: If you’re unsure whether to ‍include certain services,⁤ include comments outlining when to use them or under what condition they might be necessary.

### Example Snippet with ‍Improvements

Here’s how you could ‌structure part ‍of ‍your JavaScript based⁣ on those suggestions:


document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, function() {

​ // Initialize OneSignal

​ window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];

OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {


⁤ ⁢ appId: “your-app-id”,



⁣ ⁤ // Load Google AdSense

if (document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’).length) {

⁤ asyncLoadScript(‘https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js’);


// Load Disqus

var ⁤disqus_config =‍ function() ⁢{

‌ this.page.url = window.location.href; // Replace with your page’s canonical⁣ URL variable

this.page.identifier = ‘your-page-identifier’; // ‍Replace with‌ your page’s​ unique identifier variable

‍ ‍ };

setTimeout(function() {

(function() {

‍ var ​d‌ = document,

⁤ ‌ s = d.createElement(‘script’);

​ s.src = ‘https://your-disqus-shortname.disqus.com/embed.js’;

​ s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());

⁣ ⁢ (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);

⁣ })();

}, 3000);



### ‌Conclusion

Utilizing the ‍above suggestions,⁣ you can enhance the functionality of your ad management ‌script,‌ while ensuring it dynamically loads the necessary advertisements ‌and ⁢third-party services‌ efficiently ⁤and correctly. Always test ⁢every integration thoroughly, especially when dealing​ with asynchronous loading of scripts and services.

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