PASOK: These are the MEP candidates of the party – Mesa and Zagorakis – Androulakis: On June 9, it will rain for PASOK 2024-04-10 17:56:20

In fact, among those present at the meeting of the Central Political Committee of PASOK-KINAL, were both Thodoris Zagorakis, current member of the European Parliament of the N.D., and the meteorologist, Sakis Arnautoglou.

When Sakis Arnautoglou was officially presented as the party’s MEP candidate, after his speech, Nikos Androulakis emphasized: “I will also give you a weather forecast: On June 9, it will rain for PASOK.”

During his speech, the president of the party, who made references to both the wiretapping and the accident in Tempe, initially stated that “June 9 will mark the beginning of the end for the N.D. government, PASOK is here, united , strong and ready to become the official opposition of the country”, then adding the following: “We are building with steady steps what the country needs: A democratic, progressive faction with modern ideas but also a new political ethos. A reliable faction that makes mature choices, does not choose easy divisive dilemmas, platitudes and words without any real reflection on the everyday life of the citizen. The ND government, instead of healing the wounds opened by the SYRIZA – ANEL government in the rule of law, opened new ones. Just as in 2004 they promised to re-establish the state and ended up bankrupting it, so in 2019 they said they would build a rule of law but in the end they created the para-state of eavesdropping.”

Furthermore, he also referred to the murder of 28-year-old Kyriaki Griva by her 39-year-old ex-partner outside the police station of Aghii Anargyri, saying: “A young woman who had done everything right, had spoken, had denounced her abuser, had he goes to the Police to protect himself, he was murdered right outside the AT, in which he had taken refuge. The state cannot continue to disappoint its citizens.”

Afterwards, Nikos Androulakis said: “How can government policy be considered successful when we have the lowest purchasing power in the Eurozone and the second lowest in the entire European Union, behind only Bulgaria?” How can government policy be considered successful when the banks have profits of 4.3 billion euros, small and medium enterprises have no access to financial tools and the loans of the Recovery Fund are directed only to the few and powerful? How can government policy be considered successful when the right to housing becomes a privilege, with rents skyrocketing? 50% is the increase in the last 4 years. A unique opportunity to change the production model of the country, strengthening the resilience of society and the economy. When we have exhausted the resources of the Recovery Fund, it will be proven that the government of Kyriakos Mitsotakis had a unique opportunity for the country that went unused”.

Then, Nikos Androulakis said: “On June 9, we send a message to the ND, choosing the opposition it wants to avoid by any legitimate or illegitimate means. He prefers to be contrasted with the conspiracy theories and the lifestyle of the candidate minister of the N.D., Mr. Kasselakis. He prefers this chaos so that he can pose the dilemma “Mitsotakis or chaos”. We, therefore, call the Greek people together: Whatever party voted in the national elections, let’s join forces so that our country has a reliable, viable, progressive opposition. To put it as simply as possible: A strong PASOK means that the arrogance of Mr. Mitsotakis has an expiration date! It means that the government of N.D. it gets an expiration date and the country gets a new government option.”

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The PASOK-KINAL MEP candidates

Aliri Christina

Antonopoulou Marizeta

Armenaki Krystallia

Arnautoglou Sakis

Vakuftsi Sula

Vardakastanis Ioannis

Verouli Anna

Vourexaki – Katerina Tambouratzi

Vretto Agathi – Rosa

Dafermou Maria

Dimopoulos Panagiotis

Zarotiadis Grigoris

Theodorou Marinikis

Georgios Kalliakmanis

Karchimakis Lefteris

Kikilias Ilias

Kounakis Panagiotis

Kourakis Yiannis

Lamprakis Grigoris

Giannis Maniatis

Markogiannakis Olga

Nikos Papandreou

Stavros Petrakis

Ekaterini Rizou

Samara – Oikonomou Myrto

Philip Sachinides

Spyropoulos Andreas

Stephopoulos Christos

Tanimanidou Stefania

Nikolaos Tsilimigas

Kostas Tsoukalas

George Tsoumas

Chrysogonos Kostas

See here are the resumes of PASOK MEPs

ND Conference: The little girl who “interrupted” Hatzidakis’ speech [Βίντεο]

ND – Meimarakis: “We will all fight with you with you in front”, he told Mitsotakis

Agioi Anargyri: The murderer of Sunday attempted suicide with gauze – Is his health critical? [Βίντεο]

Christodoulidis: I thank Mitsotakis for actively supporting our efforts

Von der Leyen to Mitsotakis: Greece was looking at chaos, but under your leadership it has become an economic pioneer

Mitsotakis at the 15th Congress of the ND: Never again will we allow what happened in the past decade to happen in Greece – We have no room for experimentation – Abstinence, inactivity, indifference are not allowed

Giorgos Autias: This is how the “Dekatians” said goodbye to him in his last show on SKAI [Βίντεο]

ND Conference – Speech by Maria Syregela: “For 50 years we have been and are next to all Greek women and all Greek men” [Βίντεο]

#PASOK #MEP #candidates #party #Mesa #Zagorakis #Androulakis #June #rain #PASOK

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