PASOK-Patra: P. Geroulanos, the faces and the messages

PASOK-Patra: P. Geroulanos, the faces and the messages

Yesterday’s visit of the party’s presidential candidate, MP Pavlos Geroulanos, to the offices of the regional faction of Spyros Skiadaresis sent a lot of messages to PASOK’s interior and more broadly to the center-left.

Mr. Gerulano was welcomed by Spyros Skiaraderis together with members of his factionas well as executives of PASOK party bodies in Achaiawhile a discussion followed during which the head of “New Western Greece” emphasized that the faction must invest in unity and societyhoping that the day after the elections, he will find everyone in PASOK compatriots and supporters of the upward trend of the party.

Spyros Skiadaresis, Pavlos Geroulanos, Olympia Loi, Diamdis Kanellopoulos

Pavlos Geroulanos also sent a message of unity and raised the stakes of the internal party elections, stressing that PASOK has entered a race, whose the end should not be on October 7th or 13th, but in the next national elections. “Let’s set as a goal, in the next 18 months, not only to look Mitsotakis in the eye, not only to mobilize the people who expect to see PASOK strong, but also to win the next elections.”

Pavlos Geroulanos noted that, every day that passes, the seven PASOK candidates fight, not against each other, but against the problems of Greek society. In this battle, multiple candidates, and different approaches, do no harm. On the contrary, they do well to travel all over Greece, to discuss and publicize their positions. What the people are waiting to hear, however, is a plan for the country, stressed the candidate for the party’s president, adding: “To convince that PASOK can govern again.”

Answering the question he raised himself, whether this goal is a distant idea, he emphasized that it is not, if the party aims at the 3.5 million citizens who have stayed away from the ballot box in recent years and do not go to vote, citing as an example the electoral victory of PASOK, with George Papandreou in 2009, which was the largest since 1981.

PASOK-Patra: P. Geroulanos, the faces and the messages

Spyros Skiadaresis welcomes Pavlos Geroulanos

In order to achieve this goal, Mr. Geroulanos emphasized the need to reconnect with society through key actorswhich are the people of the Self-Governmentthat is why he chose to come to Patras and meet with the head of the regional combination that supports PASOK.

In this context, he noted that has submitted the plan “Rebirth” for the administrative and economic reform of the country, which starts from the idea that the great inequalities in the country can only be addressed if there is a decentralization of power to society.

Pavlos Geroulanos also sent a message of unity saying no one is spared the day after the election, along with the fact that anyone who has divisive thoughts harms the faction.


Shaking hands with the secretary of the Prefecture N. Moiralis

He also intervened the president of NE PASOK Achaia Nikos Moiralisalso emphasizing that the unity of the party must be preserved as the apple of the eye, because 13% needs a lot of effort to increase to 18%, but it can very easily become 8% or 5% again, as it happened in the past.

Among others, the regional councilors attended Gerasimos Fessian and Fanis Adamopoulosthe head of the official opposition in the Municipality of Erymanthos Diamantis Kanellopoulosthe president of the Society of Civil Engineers Aris Gatzoiaspoliticians and candidates for parliament Olympia Loi and George Karvouniarish Stavroula Nikolaou-Panagopoulou, et al.

#PASOKPatra #Geroulanos #faces #messages



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