PASOK must return to power

Kostas Skandalidis spoke about the 50 years since the founding of PASOK and “today” in “Society Ora MEGA”

“Every time there is an anniversary, my mind goes to other things: while Europe is moving to the “right”, it can be seen from Germany, and in Greece the crisis of the political system and especially in the progressive area, leads to danger Velopoulos or an alliance of far-right parties to become official opposition next time. In this environment there must be an alternative proposal. This proposal cannot be made with a weak alternative course. A leap must be made. PASOK’s anniversary coincides with the need for PASOK to seek its complete return to power. Those who come and vote, the next day, may they become the bearers of this vision and may the new president, in unity with all the others, give the message that in this difficult period, these people should become vanguards, rebuild PASOK at its base and claim power. This leap will be the return to the base of the faction and to the world,” he said initially.

“Mitsotakis will look for a partner in the next elections”

“Everyone must say what they will do with the party. the comma is forgotten, it is always in a footnote. Let there be another political battle. Otherwise, PASOK is out of luck. The country and the political system need a progressive faction. This, at this moment, can only be expressed by PASOK, which has unity. The deterioration of the government starts with the state, then the ministers and then the prime minister. Mitsotakis will look for a partner in the next elections. and since no one from the progressive space will give it to him, you may see different things. The immediate reconstruction of the space is required, the resurrection of PASOK and that it be open this time to alliances, in order to have a government solution”, stressed Mr. Skandalidis.

“What interests us in the selection of a captain is to see what he will commit to. At his discretion, PASOK became the leading party. politics has ceased to exist in the country. We are not in the era of inspirational leaders. PASOK must experience conditions of collective inspiration. So the one who comes out, together with the other candidates, should not get up and leave, and let the reconstitution of the space begin from the ground up and without confrontations.”

And he added: “I believe that there are progressive forces within SYRIZA, and in the New Left, from other places, unaffiliated, they are forces that can contribute to this. We are a united party.”

#PASOK #return #power



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