PASOK is proceeding in an orderly fashion, the next president must be a member of parliament

PASOK is proceeding in an orderly fashion, the next president must be a member of parliament

“Yesterday’s debate was long, about 3 hours. Conclusions were drawn. PASOK is marching systematically, looking to the next day and to the fact that we will be able to continue fighting together for society”. said the Pavlos Geroulanosspeaking on ANT1’s “Good Morning Greece” show.

PASOK candidate leaders debate: The party itself was the winner

Asked about the dilemma he raised, he said: “I talked about choosing to win or choosing to lose. The choice of victory is the choice of a leadership that has experience, has a plan, unites, makes the great expansion both towards the Left and towards the disappointed voters of Mr. Mitsotakis. Choosing to win means it can build momentum, mobilize people from the 2 million who voted for it in the past and are now sitting at home.”

At the same time, he claimed that in the telefight “there were points of tension, on political issues and not on personal ones”.

Pavlos Geroulanos reiterated that “the President of PASOK must be an MP because the big battles are fought in the Parliament. There you can see if the party has positions. We had two cases where the leader was not a member of parliament: Nikos Androulakis, whose momentum quickly evaporated, and the other with Kasselakis in SYRIZA, which now does not exist and has been split into 40 pieces.”

As for her statement by Diamantopoulou that if she wins, Pavlos Geroulanos could be the President of the Parliamentary Group of PASOK, he commented that “This was inelegant, because you don’t single out the co-candidates and it insults both the one you single out and the others you leave out. I don’t believe in tactics.”

“Why would anyone choose Gerulano? I have a design that I didn’t make over the summer and neither did my partners. It’s a 7-year plan and I keep updating it, last time two years ago. The second is that I have experience both in politics and in the public sphere, it reaches politicians who have no idea how the market works and make decisions that are not related to what is happening in society. Thirdly, I am a unionist and it showed in the debate as well. Through this process you can expand on both sides, convince the citizens and thus PASOK can return and govern”, he answered a related question.

“I am not afraid of a split, there are no such tendencies in PASOK. If they will all stay in PASOK, I can’t guarantee it except for myself, I have stayed in more difficult situations. Someone leaving does not mean it will be a split,” he said.

“I see an acceptance in society in this project and in my presence. The point is to convince as many people as possible and the people will say what PAOK wants for the next day: a PASOK that will win and overthrow Mitsotakis or a PASOK that will make a small but honest opposition”, concluded Pavlos in his interview Gerulanos.

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