Pasión Dávila hit Juan Burgos during a debate in Congress

Congressman Pasión attacked legislator Juan Burgos | Video: Martín Hidalgo

the parliamentarian Passion Davila (Master’s Block) hit Juan Burgos (not grouped) in the Congress of the Republic. the legislator America Gonza he had to separate them so that the fight does not continue during the session to decide on the presidential immunity of Pedro Castillo in the midst of the political crisis.

Davila chased Burgoswho had his back turned and close to his bench, punched him in the face.

The congressman of Magisterial Block he ran to his place in Parliament. Davila he chased after him, but was stopped by Gonza.

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“In the face of the cowardly attack by the terrorist congressman Passion Davila and those around him, only seek chaos and anarchy, scaring marches in the streets and defending a corrupt and dictator like Pedro Castillo“, wrote Juan Burgos on his Twitter account.

In another statement to Canal N, the legislator compared Passion Davila with Shining Path and the MRTA despite the fact that there is no evidence to prove the links of the terrorist groups with the parliamentarian.

“I have been attacked from behind, cowardly, as all the men always do. hikersall communists, members of the MRTA They act from behind. They assassinated politicians, governors, state officials in the past. What can we expect from that horde of terrorists who entered Congress thanks to the deception of the political class? ”, He expressed.

the congresswoman Patricia Chirinos witnessed the attack: “I was near the passage, I realized everything. Passion Davila He came with a very grim and aggressive gesture, crossed the plenary session and, treacherously like a coward, punched the man from behind. Juan Burgos. Finish this and see how Juan Burgos He was behind him and he was seen running to his place. She acted like a coward.”

According to journalist Martín Hidalgo, the Board of Directors is considering directly suspending for 120 days Davila for the attack. “There is a history of direct suspensions seen in plenary,” he added.

Congressmen Pasión Dávila and Juan Burgos almost came to blows. Video: Channel N

The debate in the Congress of the Republic It was tense from the start. The head of Parliament, Jose Williams Zapatarequested a minute of silence for the two dead in Andahuaylas (Apurímac), but the left and right benches began to insult each other.

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“The death of this compatriot is the responsibility of Mrs. In Boluarte“, said Maria Elizabeth Taipe Coronadofrom Peru Libre.

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For his part, Flavio Cruz Mamanifrom Peru Libre, questioned the celebration of the congressmen after the vacancy of the former president Pedro Castillo.

“A bloody photograph is causing death in the country. With a minute of silence we want to clean up, why they did not bring the president so that the Legislature acts with his authority, ”he said.

Ezra Medinafrom Somos Peru, discussed with Guillermo Bermejo, Maria Antonieta Aguero Gutierrez y Kelly Portalatino.

The Board of Spokesmen suspended the session for 15 minutes due to the shouting between the benches and the fight of Passion Davila y Juan Burgos.


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