Party turns to tragedy, 41-year-old volunteer between life and death after being beaten

Published on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 3:20 p.m.

We have never incarcerated so many individuals in a single year since 2013. The reason? The enforcement of short sentences. “The anticipated catastrophe is occurring,” cautions the Prison Observatory.

Sudinfo has obtained the prison administration’s activity report for 2022. One statistic stands out: 19,977 people were admitted to prison that year.

This is a 13% increase compared to 2021 and is a figure not seen in the past decade. As a result, this influx of new prisoners is exacerbating the overcrowding in our prisons.

In 2022, the average daily population reached 11,050 inmates for 9,641 available spaces, resulting in an overcrowding rate of 14.6%! These numbers have further risen in recent months, as on February 20, 2024, there were 12,097 inmates for 10,562 places, with a similar overcrowding rate (due to the addition of new places in prisons and detention centers).

“The enforcement of short sentences, which began in September 2022, clearly accounts for this increase,” explains Harold Sax, co-president of the Belgian section of the International Prison Observatory. “Prison directors had raised the alarm, and their predictions are coming true. The overcrowding rate is so severe in some locations that mayors (Huy, Mons, Lantin) have issued or are contemplating closure orders. The former Minister of Justice, Van Quickenborne, insisted on proceeding alone with the enforcement of short sentences, and the disaster that was foreseen is now unfolding.”

In 2022, there were 50 prisoner deaths, including… 16 suicides. “A suicide rate eight times higher than in the general population,” notes Harold Sax with concern. “And I’m not even sure that this figure accounts for prisoners who died in hospitals due to drug overdoses.”

Another noteworthy statistic: a prisoner in a detention center costs €38 more per day than a prisoner in a traditional prison (€190.38 for the former and €152.40 for the latter). Currently, only two detention centers are operational (in Courtrai and Forest-Berkendael), with plans for others (notably in Liège and Jemeppe-sur-Sambre). The Vivaldi government aimed to open 15 detention centers (720 places) by the end of 2024, but we are still far from that target, and the next government will need to allocate the necessary resources. These detention centers are touted as the prisons of the future. They are small facilities (20 to 60 places) designed to house first-time offenders serving short sentences (less than three years) where prisoners benefit from enhanced supervision focused on reintegration. This supervision, as we can see, comes with a cost; we will have to see if the State commits to maintaining this approach.

The male-to-female ratio in our prisons is 95.5% to 4.5%. Women are housed in female-only quarters (like those in Mons, Lantin, Marche, Haren, etc.). “In some cases, the prison administration permits a transgender prisoner to reside in a facility/unit of a different sex than indicated on their identification,” states the report.

In 2020, 20 escapes were recorded, including… 13 from Marneffe, a prison that operates under an open regime and where there are no bars on the cell windows.

<div id="prison-overcrowding-impact-2024">
    <h1>Prison Overcrowding Crisis: An In-Depth Look at Belgium's Prison System in 2022-2024</h1>
    <p>Published on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 3:20 p.m.</p>

    <h2>The Alarming Rise in Prison Population</h2>
    <p>The Belgian prison system is experiencing an unprecedented surge in inmate numbers, with 19,977 individuals entering prison in 2022. This increase represents a staggering 13% rise from the previous year and marks the highest influx since 2013. According to the Prison Observatory, “the predicted catastrophe is happening,” as overcrowding becomes a critical concern.</p>

    <h2>Current Overcrowding Statistics</h2>
    <p>As of February 20, 2024, the prison population had risen to 12,097 inmates, outpacing available capacity significantly. Below are some key statistics illustrating this issue:</p>
    <table class="wp-table">
                <th>New Prisoners</th>
                <th>Average Daily Population</th>
                <th>Available Places</th>
                <th>Overcrowding Rate</th>
                <td>Feb 2024</td>

    <h2>The Execution of Short Sentences</h2>
    <p>Harold Sax, co-president of the Belgian section of the International Prison Observatory, attributes much of the overcrowding to the “execution of short sentences” initiated in September 2022. This change aimed to efficiently manage low-level offenses but has led to unanticipated consequences.</p>
        <li>Increased stress on prison infrastructure</li>
        <li>Overburdened staff and resources</li>
        <li>Escalating health and safety risks for inmates</li>

    <h2>Consequences of Overcrowding</h2>
    <p>The overcrowding crisis has serious implications for prisoner welfare. In 2022, Belgium reported 50 inmate deaths, with 16 classified as suicides—a rate eight times higher than that of the general population. Such statistics raise pressing concerns about mental health support within the prison system.</p>

    <h2>The Cost of Incarceration</h2>
    <p>Financially, the cost of incarceration presents a significant challenge to the government. A prisoner in a detention center costs €190.38 daily, whereas a traditional prison inmate costs €152.40. Currently, Belgium operates only two detention centers, with more planned for future development.</p>

    <h3>Budgetary Implications</h3>
    <p>The Vivaldi government had set ambitious goals, aiming to open 15 new detention centers by the end of 2024, providing approximately 720 new places. However, as of now, the initiative is lagging, requiring future administrations to allocate necessary resources effectively.</p>

    <h2>Prison Demographics and Gender Ratios</h2>
    <p>The demographics of Belgium's prison population display a striking gender disparity, with a ratio of 95.5% men to 4.5% women. Women are typically held in designated facilities to ensure their safety and well-being. Additionally, the report notes instances where transgender prisoners may be housed according to their gender identity rather than the sex listed on their identification documents.</p>

    <h2>Comparative Analysis of Escapes</h2>
    <p>In 2020, Belgium recorded 20 escapes, with 13 occurring from Marneffe Prison, which operates under an open regime. This brings to light questions regarding security measures and effective rehabilitation practices in less restrictive facilities.</p>

    <h2>Exploring Alternatives: Detention Centers</h2>
    <p>Future plans for detention centers focus on innovative approaches aimed at rehabilitation rather than punishment. With smaller capacities of 20 to 60 inmates, these centers target first-time offenders sentenced to short terms.</p>
        <li>Enhanced supervision and support for integration into society</li>
        <li>Focus on reducing recidivism rates through skill development</li>

    <h2>Addressing the Crisis: A Combined Effort</h2>
    <p>The current situation demands urgent action from both the government and prison authorities. As overcrowding continues to create an untenable environment within prisons, it is essential to implement effective strategies to relieve pressure on facilities.</p>
    <h3>Potential Solutions</h3>
        <li>Expand the capacity of detention centers</li>
        <li>Implement community-based rehabilitation programs</li>
        <li>Invest in mental health services for inmates</li>

    <h2>Insights from Experts</h2>
    <p>Experts highlight the need for an integrated approach that incorporates social policies, prison reform, and community support to tackle the challenges posed by overcrowding. Without significant investment in alternatives to incarceration and rehabilitation, Belgium risks perpetuating cycles of crime and imprisonment.</p>

    <img class="r-img" src="" alt="Prison Infographic" />

    <p>The prison population in Belgium is at a critical juncture. The increase in inmate numbers due to short sentences, coupled with existing overcrowding, poses severe risks to the health and safety of prisoners and staff alike. Only through collaborative efforts aimed at reform and investment can Belgium hope to navigate this complex issue and forge a path toward a more humane and effective correctional system.</p>

This HTML article covers the pressing issue of prison overcrowding in Belgium and employs SEO techniques through strategic keywords and well-structured content. It also incorporates relevant statistics, insights from experts, and potential solutions to engage readers fully.



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