Party funding: Who got how much in Upper Austria in 2023

Five- and six-figure sums were also given to party-affiliated and front-line organizations. This is shown in the state’s online funding report, in which funding can be accessed using a search function. The following is a list that makes no claim to completeness.

Most of the money – a total of over 27 million euros – went to the parties or their parliamentary groups: The ÖVP regional party is listed with 10.4 million euros, the black parliamentary group with just under 529,000 euros. The FPÖ received five million euros, the Freedom Party parliamentary group a good 264,000 euros. The SPÖ regional party was pleased with 5.4 million euros, the red group around 272,000 euros. The Green regional party received just under 3.06 million euros, its parliamentary group just over 173,000 euros. The MFG regional organization was supported with more than 1.2 million euros, and the MFG parliamentary group also received 72,000 euros. The Upper Austrian NEOS received just under 820,000 euros, the pink group 49,500 euros.

“Academies” and think tanks of the parties

But the parties’ “academies” and think tanks – sometimes several per faction – were also given considerable funding: The Education Academy of the Upper Austrian People’s Party was given around 840,000 euros, the black think tank Academia Superior 400,000 euros, making a total of 1.24 million euros for black education. The Freedom Academy received around 333,500 euros, the Freedom Working Group Attersee 125,000 euros and the Freedom Education Institute 490,000 euros – a total of 948,500 euros for blue think tanks. The Marie Jahoda/Otto Bauer Institute of the SPÖ received 95,000 euros. The Green Education Workshop received an impressive 391,000 euros, the MFG Academy in Aurolzmünster a good 59,000 euros and the pink NEOS Lab can be found in the funding report with 60,000 euros.

In addition, there are several recipients of funding that can be assigned to the parties: From the sphere of the ÖVP, these are, for example, the regional organizations of the Senior Citizens’ Association (570,000 euros) – last year it had repaid 1.9 million euros in Corona aid that, according to the Independent Party Transparency Senate (UPTS), had been wrongfully received – and the Young ÖVP (400,000 euros), the Farmers’ Association (135,000 euros), the Action Community at the University of Linz (52,000 euros), the Union of Higher Students (45,000 euros) and the Christian Teachers with 9,000 euros.

Senior Citizens’ Ring, Pensioners’ Association and Green Youth

In the blue spectrum are the Senior Citizens’ Ring with 250,000 euros, the Freedom Party Employees with almost 58,000 euros and the trade unionists AUF (Action Group of Independents and Freedom Party Members) with around 46,500 euros. The Freedom Party Youth received 75,000 euros, the Freedom Party Women’s Initiative almost 32,000 euros and the Freedom Party Students’ Ring almost 17,000 euros.

The Social Democratic Association of Municipal Representatives of Upper Austria received 511,000 euros in funding, the Pensioners’ Association 345,000 euros, and the Socialist Youth almost 152,000 euros. The Linz section of the Socialist Students received 40,000 euros, the Association of Social Democratic Academics 35,000 euros, the Critical Students’ Action 22,500 euros, and the Social Democratic Teachers’ Association 20,000 euros.

In addition, there are a number of organisations and associations associated with the Greens: The Green Youth received 51,500 euros, the Green Farmers 44,000 euros and Generation Plus 48,000 euros. The Alternatives and Green Trade Unionists (AUGE) received 25,000 euros, the Green Women almost 28,000 euros and the Greens Andersrum 15,000 euros, and the Students (GRAS) 5,700 euros.

Small parties also supported

Among the NEOS, the pink youth organization Junos received 10,500 euros and the Young Liberal Students received 7,000 euros.

Small parties not represented in the state parliament were also supported: the KPÖ with around 18,600 euros, the Wandel with around 9,000 euros and the Bürgerlisten Oberösterreich Dr. Martin Gollner with 4,550 euros.



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