Party after Streif hit: Ski stars Sarrazin and Odermatt went wild in the Kitzbühel restaurant

You have to celebrate the festivals as they come: that’s probably what Cyprien Sarrazin and Marco Odermatt also thought. The Streif triumphant and the runner-up on Saturday could be celebrated in the Kitzbühel restaurant “The Londoner”.

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Both of them celebrated extensively in the legendary “Londoner” – a long-standing tradition for the winners – and sang arm in arm behind the bar with their upper bodies bare. This is also a tradition, as is the fact that the heroes of the Streif also serve the drinks. Of course, the fans in attendance really liked this eye-catcher and applauded the duo. It is not known how long the party night lasted in the end, but if you believe the slogan of Kitzbühel’s well-known bar, it was a long time. “If the downhill doesn’t kill you, the Londoner will,” it reads.

The two had already celebrated “a crazy night” in Wengen, as Cyprien Sarrazin revealed in Kitz. Odermatt’s voice could be heard for a few days that night. “Of course it’s not the best thing for the body to celebrate like that, but it’s important for the mind,” he explained after the second training session.

The next men’s speed races are scheduled for the end of January in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Before that, Odermatt goes to the night giant slalom in Schladming on Tuesday.


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