Partnership agreement on the financial inclusion of artisans

A partnership agreement on the financial inclusion of craftsmen was signed on Tuesday in Rabat by the Minister of Tourism, Handicrafts and Social and Solidarity Economy, Fatim-Zahra Ammor, the Group’s Chief Executive Officer Crédit Agricole du Maroc (GCAM), Nourreddine Boutayeb, the President of the Federation of Chambers of Crafts, Sidati Chaggaf and the General Manager of Maison de l’Artisan, Tarik Sadik.

This partnership, which takes place within the framework of the strategic project of the generalization of social security coverage for Moroccan citizens promoted by King Mohammed VI, is part of the continuity of the actions undertaken by the ministry to improve living and working conditions. craftsmen through first, their identification and their registration in the National Register of Crafts (RNA).

This operation will allow them, in a second phase, access to compulsory health insurance (AMO) and to the support programs launched by the State in favor of craftsmen. The said agreement reflects the will of the signatories and their total mobilization to accelerate this strategic project with artisans by promoting their banking and financial inclusion.

In a statement to the press, the Minister specified that the objective of this agreement is to be able to give craftsmen access to banking services under very attractive conditions, which will enable them to pay the contribution to the Caisse Nationale de Social Security (CNSS) and be reimbursed in a simple way.

Under this agreement, all artisans registered in the National Handicrafts Register (RNA) will benefit from an adapted service offer set up by Crédit Agricole du Maroc (CAM) and its payment institution Al Filahi Cash (AFC). ), through the bank’s physical and digital channels throughout the Kingdom.

It should be noted that to date 441,258 craftsmen have been pre-registered at the level of the National Social Security Fund as self-employed workers to benefit from the AMO, in addition to 94,527 other craftsmen identified and already having a medical cover.

This collaboration will strengthen the partnership between the handicraft administration and the GCAM to improve the competitiveness of handicraft operators and facilitate their access to markets.



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