Participatory science devices | handles

2023-07-06 14:10:00

Ambrosia, a plant with highly allergenic pollen

Today, between 1 and 3.5 million people are allergic to ragweed in France. Originally from North America, this plant is gradually invading French territory. Acting once morest its expansion is a major public health issue and requires everyone’s involvement.

Hogweed, a plant that causes burns

Giant Hogweed is an invasive alien species that can cause skin burns due to its photosensitivity. Currently present in a large north-eastern quarter of France and in the Alps, giant hogweed is progressing towards the south-west, where the climatic conditions are particularly favorable to it.

By reporting its presence, you allow scientists to better understand the distribution of this species. To participate in the mission “search for the giant hogweed”:

CiTIQUE, a program to better understand the ecology of ticks

Present in the garden, in the forest, in the maquis or the scrubland, ticks can transmit diseases to us such as Lyme disease or tick-borne encephalitis.

Reporting a bite and sending the responsible tick to the tick library contributes to the CiTIQUE participatory research program. The latter aims to better understand the ecology of ticks and the diseases they transmit.

Mosquito reporting, to better target control actions

The tiger mosquito is an invasive species installed in France since 2004. In 2023, it is implanted in 71 departments. In some cases, it can carry diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and Zika.

Do you think you have observed a tiger mosquito? Report it to This will allow us to better know its distribution on the territory.

#Participatory #science #devices #handles



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