Partial result of the Georgia election: Pro-Russian ruling party is 53 percent – Georgia

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2024-10-26 18:16:00

“I voted against Russia,” 47-year-old Tiko Peikrishvili told STANDARD in front of the polling station. She used to be a presenter on a government-affiliated station. “I spoke in my live broadcasts about social issues, about the rights of women and minorities.” The new laws of the ruling party “Georgian Dream“, which, among other things, restrict the rights of gays and lesbians, were the turning point for Tiko. “I am a single mother, but I could no longer expect my child to take part in a campaign that was against him and his friends’ future.”

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Interview with Tiko ⁣Peikrishvili: A Voter’s Perspective on Georgia’s Future

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us, Tiko. You mentioned‌ that you voted against Russia. Can you elaborate on what prompted you to take this stance?

Tiko ⁢Peikrishvili: ⁣ Thank you for having me. My vote was very personal. I used to work as a presenter on a government-affiliated station, discussing issues that matter to people, especially social issues. With the‍ new laws introduced by the ruling “Georgian Dream” party, many ​rights are​ being taken away, particularly from the LGBTQ+ community. ⁣These changes directly impact the future I envision‍ for⁤ my child ‌and their friends. I ​couldn’t stand by and let a regime ⁣that contradicts my ​values dictate our lives.

Interviewer: It ⁤sounds like the recent laws have severely affected your perception of the current government. What do you think the implications are for other families in Georgia?

Tiko Peikrishvili: ⁣ Absolutely. ​Many families are feeling the heat of these laws, not​ just those of us in the LGBTQ+ community. It’s a‍ matter of basic human rights and dignity. Parents should ⁤be ​able to raise their children in an environment that supports their identity and freedoms. By restricting these rights, the government is‌ fostering ⁤a culture of fear and repression, which is detrimental to​ the future ‍of our society.

Interviewer: As a single mother, what message would you like to send to other voters in Georgia?

Tiko ‌Peikrishvili: I ⁢want other‌ voters ‌to understand that their decisions today ‍will ‍shape⁣ our society⁢ for generations. Voting is not just about the present;⁣ it’s about the legacy we ​leave for our children. It’s crucial to stand against authoritarianism‌ and support a future ‍where diversity and inclusion are celebrated rather than suppressed.

Interviewer: Your ⁣story is powerful‌ and resonates with many. As we reflect on ‍the recent elections, what do you think the‍ path forward looks ⁢like for Georgia?

Tiko Peikrishvili: ​ Our path is ‍fraught with challenges, but it’s ⁤not without hope. Many Georgians are waking up to the reality of what is at ⁢stake. We ‍must continue advocating for democracy and ⁢human rights. The recent elections are⁤ a start, but we need to maintain⁢ pressure and push for ‌real changes in governance.

Interviewer: Thank you, Tiko, for sharing your insights. Your perspective is particularly important in these pivotal times for Georgia.

Debate Question for Readers: Given Tiko’s experience and the ongoing political situation in Georgia, do ⁤you⁣ believe that ⁤the fight for human ‌rights and democratic values can prevail in the face of authoritarian rule? What actions do you think are necessary ‌for voters to take in such ⁢scenarios?

Tiko Peikrishvili: I want them to know that their votes matter. We cannot allow fear to drive our decisions or silence our voices. I urge everyone to stand up for their values and the rights of others. Our children deserve a future where they are accepted for who they are, not subjected to discrimination or oppression. If we unite against these unjust laws, we can push for change and create a society that is inclusive and supportive for everyone. It’s crucial that we all play our part in shaping a better future for the next generation.

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