Partial electric car exemption on E18 is receiving criticism from all quarters

Partial electric car exemption on E18 is receiving criticism from all quarters

– We see that on the E18 from the west, accessibility has deteriorated. This applies especially at weekends. That is why we are now planning to open the public transport area on the Asker–Lysaker section for electric cars at weekends, says Transport Minister Jon-Ivar Nygård (Ap) in a press release.

He says the government will also look at opening public transport lanes for electric cars at weekends also on the E6 from the north and south.

Ring 1 was temporarily closed on 1 July for reconstruction. Nygård says he fully understands that this creates challenges for motorists.

– The measures that have been taken are to ensure accessibility towards and through the center of Oslo. This is important both for the emergency services and public transport, says Nygård.

The mayors not impressed

In the coming weeks, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration will carry out the practical preparatory work to prepare the public transport lanes for electric cars. They are also considering introducing heavy traffic lanes on the Asker-Slependen stretch, in addition to allowing motorcycles in the heavy traffic lanes.

The press release was released a few hours before a meeting between Nygård and the mayors of the affected municipalities. But neither the municipalities west of Oslo nor Oslo itself are satisfied with the measure.

Asker mayor Lene Conradi (H) says it is gratifying that the public transport field will be opened again, but reacts that it will take several weeks for the measure to be put in place.

– It is only a first step, because it is not sufficient to open only at weekends. And it is incomprehensible why it should take several weeks to implement it, says Conradi TV 2.

– Being provoked

– We still have a great vulnerability in the afternoons and evenings which could have been remedied by carpooling in the public transport area. Not least for all those who depend on a car to get to work, and business transport also needs to be done during rush hour, she adds.

Bærum mayor and party colleague Lisbeth Hammer Krog votes.

– When the minister is clear that the measures they have taken are working as intended, then we are provoked. Then you look at the reduction of cars in the tunnels in Oslo in isolation. But it has had dramatic consequences for us in Asker and Bærum, she adds The messenger.

Oslo fears a traffic breakdown

Oslo municipality is also critical and warns against electric cars in public transport lanes again as long as Ring 1 in central Oslo is closed.

– I am very concerned that we do not allow a lot of private cars into the public transport zone so that there is a complete breakdown of traffic in the city, says transport councilor Marit Kristine Vea (V) to NRK.

To VG she says that she is afraid that the government will give in to the pressure and will open the public transport area for electric cars on weekdays as well.

Draws out other stretches

The general secretary of the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association, Christina Bu, is happy that the minister is taking the initiative. But she calls for initiatives regarding areas as well.

– What about Mosseveien and E6 and other affected municipalities north, south and east of Oslo? Boo asks.

– The minister should also include other affected municipalities, the sign problem and us as consumers. There is a lack of a holistic view, she believes.

– Not enough

The car organization Naf believes that opening the public transport lanes at weekends is an important first step. They also believe that the fields should be opened up for electric drivers who drive together during rush hour in order to make the best possible use of the road capacity.

– But opening the public transport lanes is not enough to avoid the queue chaos we are now seeing. Also, more express buses, especially from areas where public transport is currently weak, opening the train for more passengers and entrance parking, are measures that should be considered, says press manager Ingunn Handagard in Naf.

– Ring 1 will be closed for three years, and therefore the measures must be both broad and lasting throughout the period, so that more people can change their travel habits and use public transport, says Handagard.

#Partial #electric #car #exemption #E18 #receiving #criticism #quarters
2024-08-30 12:56:16



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