Partial closures, wait times soaring…

2024-08-21 07:56:12
Ministerial representative for health (now resigned) Frédéric Valletoux (centre) at the Emergency Call Handling and Supervision Center of the University Hospital of Bordeaux on May 16, 2024.

Summer isn’t over yet, and emergency room struggles continue, with a shortage of doctors on the front lines compounded by the summer break. Closures at night, at weekends, several days a week, surges in waiting times, overcrowding of services, patients waiting for hours on stretchers… The outgoing Health Minister Frédéric Valletoux has made initial progress during the summer, in daily interview western franceTuesday, August 20.

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According to him, in an emergency “Fifty” of French hospitals currently ” nervous”and about 650 services span the entire territory. “Better than summer [2023]in any case, tensions will not be as severe as they will be in 2022.”According to Mr. Valletoux. “front door” For hospitals, the emergency has been compounded by years of difficulties in the health care system, a lack of hospital beds and the worsening of urban medical deserts.

Observations within the unions were mixed, however, and the rhetoric within them was more critical. “Despite what the minister said, the situation in emergency rooms is getting more and more difficult. Emergency rooms are closing in both small and large hospitals.”supports Christophe Prudhomme, spokesperson of the French Association of Emergency Physicians and CGT health representative.

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“Special Measures”

“We are awaiting the results of the annual survey, which has just been sent to servicesMarc Noizet, President of SAMU-Urgences France explains. But what is certain is that, apart from this reassuring ministerial communication, the situation has not improved, the summer has not gone well and the problems of the emergency remain. » You only have to scroll through regional media in recent weeks to confirm this, he added, which has reported almost daily reports of closures or reduced activity in many areas.

The pediatric emergency room in Saintes (Charente-Maritime) has been closed to the public from 5 pm to 9 am since August 12. In Carpentras (Vaucluse), on the same day, emergency services are only open from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Work on assignment – in Digne-les-Bains (Alpes-Haute-Provence) or Aix-en-Provence (Eu Rhône).

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