Part-time jobs for retirees without professional studies

Most retirees in the United States (US) put aside the enjoyment of their savings to look for part-time jobs.

With a part-time job, plus the benefits they receive from Social Security, they can cover all their expenses.

Senior citizens do not always have enough pension payments to cover basic expenses and pay for public services.

For this reason, many people decide to look for these types of jobs, which do not require experience or professional studies and thus generate extra income.

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Employment options for retirees

An older adult can earn $22 per hour as an Administrative Assistant. This type of vacancy offers two types of schedules: part-time and full-time.

Another ideal job for retirees is as a Data Entry Assistant, the main functions are to fill out forms and do online surveys, for this they pay you $16.74 dollars an hour

Insurance Claims Investigator

You can earn up to $34.63 per hour as an Insurance Claims Investigator for insurance companies and it is not a physically demanding job.

According to experts in the field, it is estimated that this type of employment will increase its vacancies due to the need for new companies in the sector.

Working as a nanny is another profitable option for a retiree to earn more monthly income. This type of employment has no age limit and, according to job portals, pays up to a maximum of $22 dollars per hour.

Real estate or receptionist

Learning new skills in your golden years could be a boost to becoming a real estate agent after prior training.

In this type of job, you earn money based on the sales percentages you manage to establish in the real estate market.

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Finally, if you don’t like any of the jobs mentioned above, you can try being a receptionist. The average salary is around $16.33 per hour.

The advantage of holding this type of position is that you can do it virtually or in person, and you can get it on a part-time or full-time basis.

With information from Solo Dinero

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#Parttime #jobs #retirees #professional #studies
2024-08-11 10:03:19



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