Parliamentary week from November 6th to 10th, 2023

2023-11-03 15:12:20

Budget hearing, memorial event, Federal Council meeting, international visits, committees

Vienna (PK) On November 9th, Parliament commemorates the November pogroms 85 years ago. In the National Council’s Budget Committee, negotiations on the 2024 budget traditionally start with a public expert hearing. Numerous other National Council specialist committees will also meet next week. The Federal Council is dealing with the latest National Council resolutions, and its EU committee is also meeting.

Monday, November 6, 2023

A delegation from the Bilateral Parliamentary Group Austria-Bulgaria, Romania is on a visit to Romania until November 9th.

5:45 p.m.: Digital trends and the associated opportunities and challenges for society are the topic of a panel discussion in parliament with representatives from Austrian politics and international experts. On the podium are Florian Tursky (State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance), Stefanie Lindstaedt (Founding President, Institute of Digital Sciences Austria (IDSA)), Ana Simic (Managing Director, DAIN Studios Austria, Ross King (Head of Competence Unit “Data Science & Artificial Intelligence”, Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT)), Frode Rein

(Head of Section Strategy & Innovation, Stortinget Norwegian Parliament) and Andy Richardson (Program Manager, Parliamentary Standards, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)). Opening words come from National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka. The Parliamentary Directorate together with the European Center for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD) invites you to the panel discussion. (Parliament, Theophil Hansen Local 3)

Media representatives are asked to register for the panel discussion in advance at media service@register at

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

10 a.m.: The Audit Committee deals with a follow-up review of the AustriaTech – Federal Society for

technology policy measures GmbH as well as three reports from the auditors on the Hohe Tauern National Park, plastic packaging waste and railway crossings. (Parliament, Erwin Schrödinger Local 1)

10 a.m.: The EU Committee of the Federal Council starts with a discussion on the current activity report of the European Court of Auditors with the Austrian representative Helga Berger. The Federal Councilors are also dealing with a regulation proposal from the Commission. This deals with plants obtained using certain new genomic techniques and the food and feed obtained from them. (Parliament, Ludwig Wittgenstein Local 5)

10.30 a.m.: National Council President Wolfgang Sobokta receives the President of the National Council of the Swiss Confederation Martin Candinas for a working discussion in Parliament. (Parliament, reception room)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

December 10, 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the signing of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. On this occasion, Parliament is setting priorities that point to the importance of human rights for democracy. The Austrian artist Victoria Coeln lets the facade of the parliament shine in light grids in the “Light of Human Rights” on selected days between November 8th, 2023 and January 28th, 2024.

09.00 a.m: The Federal Council deals with the latest resolutions of the National Council. These include a protective clause for new pension entrants and a cap on pension adjustments next year, stricter penalties for depictions of child abuse and mandatory child protection concepts. At the beginning of the meeting, the Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology Leonore Gewessler answered questions from the Federal Council members.

Meetings of the National Council and the Federal Council will be held live in the Parliament’s media library transmitted. (Parliament, Federal Council chamber)

11 a.m.: The Labor and Social Committee intends to discuss an amendment to the Night Heavy Work Act and the Federal Nursing Allowance Act. In its applications, the SPÖ is concerned, among other things, with easier access for nursing staff to heavy work pensions and lower pension deductions for hard workers who have been awarded an invalidity or occupational disability pension. The FPÖ is calling for a legal right to transitional care, the inclusion of prison inmates in statutory health insurance and a federal Corona reparation fund. The NEOS, in turn, are in favor of a reduction in unemployment insurance contributions, the promotion of apprenticeships at SMEs and a new chairman of the old-age security commission. (Houses of Parliament)

2 p.m.: Second President of the National Council Doris Bures receives the Vice President of the Hungarian Parliament Lajos Oláh for a discussion in Parliament. (Parliament, Presidential Office)

6:00 p.m.: The book “Transit Istanbul – Palestine: Jews fleeing Southeastern Europe” tells stories of escapes via Istanbul to Palestine during the Second World War. The escape of the Viennese Holocaust survivor Karl Pfeifer, who was awarded the Simon Wiesenthal Prize of the Austrian Parliament in 2021, might largely only be organized through a secret, informal network. In memory of Karl Pfeifer, his escape from Budapest via Istanbul to Palestine will be remembered as part of a book launch in parliament.

The book will be presented by author Reiner Möckelmann, and actress Martina Ebm will read from it. There will then be an interview with Karl Pfeifer’s widow Dagmar Pfeifer, a friend of Pfeifer from Istanbul, Robert Schild, and the Secretary General of the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism Hannah Lessing. Opening words come from National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka. (Palais Epstein, inner courtyard)

Media representatives are asked to register for the event in advance at media service@register at

Thursday, November 9, 2023

8.30 a.m.: The Internal Affairs Committee has not yet finalized its program. (Parliament)

10 a.m.: The Family and Youth Committee still working on his agenda. (Houses of Parliament)

11 a.m.: Also the agenda for the Foreign Policy Committee is not finalized yet. (Houses of Parliament)

3 p.m.: Which European projects in EU Committee of the National Council is being discussed has not yet been decided. (Houses of Parliament)

5 p.m.: The commemoration event on the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the November pogroms begins with opening words from National Council President Wolfgang Sobotka and a video greeting from the President of the Israeli Knesset, Amir Ohana. The destroyed synagogues in Austria and their virtual reconstruction will then be the focus of a presentation by Bob Martens from the Vienna University of Technology and Herbert Peter from the Academy of Fine Arts. Afterwards, the President of the Jewish Community of Vienna, Oskar, speaks German. After a film recording of the ORF documentary “Old Hate – New Madness”, presenter Lisa Gadenstätter finally meets the Shoah survivor and former Auschwitz prisoner Benno Kern in a conversation with contemporary witnesses. (Parliament, National Council Hall)

Accreditation is necessary for media representatives. Registration for the memorial event is available at media possible. To register, you must submit a media card or letter of credit from a media company electronically.

The accreditations will be issued on the day of the memorial event from 3:30 p.m. at the check-in for media representatives in the Agora in the visitor center. Admission for media representatives will be given priority between 3:30 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Friday, November 10, 2023

10 a.m.: Discussions on the budget for the coming year will begin in Budget Committee traditionally with a hearing with experts. The hearing will take place in the Media library broadcast live on the parliamentary website and can then be accessed as video-on-demand. (Parliament, Erwin Schrödinger Local 1)

After the budget hearing, the Budget Committee on the Budget Accompanying Act 2024, which includes a total of 27 government legislative proposals with budgetary implications. Among other things, it involves the creation of 100 new medical practices, as well as additional funds for the switch to climate-friendly heating and other environmental funding, the forest fund, the federal museums, the AGES, extracurricular youth work and the Gusen Memorial. In addition, people who were prosecuted or convicted in the Second Republic due to consensual same-sex sexual contact should be fully rehabilitated or compensated. (Parliament, Erwin Schrödinger Local 1)

4 p.m.: The Budget Committee is negotiating further proposals beyond the Federal Finance Act and the 2024 Budget Accompanying Act. (Parliament, Erwin Schrödinger Local 1)

(final) keg/lan

NOTE: Current dates can be found in Parliament’s online calendar. Media employees are requested to contact media service in advance for filming and photography@register at

Meetings of the National Council and the Federal Council can also be followed via live stream and are available as video-on-demand in the Parliament’s media library available. Follow the Austrian Parliament on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or sign up for a free one Email subscription to parliamentary correspondence an.

Questions & Contact:

Press service of the Parliamentary Directorate
Parliamentary correspondence
Tel. +43 1 40110/2272

#Parliamentary #week #November #6th #10th



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