Parliamentary Symposium: Panel discussion on political objectives for equality bodies

Parliamentary Symposium: Panel discussion on political objectives for equality bodies

2024-09-25 19:19:48

The effective implementation of new EU guidelines on the design and equipment of national equality bodies was the topic of a parliamentary symposium today. After the keynotes by Andreas Accardo (Head of Institutional Cooperation and Networks at the EU Fundamental Rights Agency), Tamás Kádár (Co-Director of Equinet) and Patrick Charlier (Head of the Belgian equality body Unia) and various panel discussions, a panel discussion with political representatives was the last item on the event’s agenda.

Under the title “On to the next government period – What are bold political objectives for equal treatment bodies?”, National Council members Nico Marchetti (ÖVP), Eva Maria Holzleitner (SPÖ), Mario Lindner (SPÖ), David Stögmüller (Greens) and Henrike Brandstötter (NEOS) exchanged their demands and ideas on this topic. Rosa Ecker (FPÖ), Meri Disoski (Greens) and Yannick Shetty (NEOS) cancelled their planned participation in the discussion due to scheduling reasons.

Marchetti: Objectify discourse and seek common ground

Nico Marchetti (ÖVP) thought that making the discourse more objective, especially when it comes to “very sensitive issues”, would be useful. The greatest enemy is ignorance, because most people are unaware of the reality of minorities’ lives. Financial resources to protect minorities are needed, particularly in the judiciary and the police, said Marchetti. Statistical recording of hate crimes has now been implemented and the current situation is known, and now active action must be taken against it. In order to get closer to the goal of an inclusive, equal society, an overall strategy is needed, Machetti stressed. To achieve this, all “strands must be brought together”, for example in the Parliament’s Equal Treatment Committee. Looking back on the past legislative period, he said that it had been possible to advance the joint dialogue. However, this was only a first step and was not yet sufficient.

Holzleitner: Discuss equal treatment in all departments

Equal treatment is not a marginal issue and does not only affect minorities, because women make up the majority of the population, stressed SPÖ women’s spokesperson Eva Maria Holzleitner. She called for equal treatment issues to be discussed not only in the Equal Treatment Committee, but in all parliamentary committees. She also spoke out in favor of strengthening the public relations work of equal treatment bodies so that they can counteract “fake news” with basic work, workshops and events. The Equal Treatment Ombudsman should also be so well equipped that a person who has experienced discrimination can be accompanied by the same partner on their legal process from start to finish.

Lindner: “Levelling-up” must come

Mario Lindner, SPÖ spokesman for equal treatment, diversity and LGBTIQ, called for better communication between politicians and people affected by discrimination. In addition, representatives of equal treatment bodies should be heard in parliament and have the opportunity to report to politicians on their practical experiences. “Levelling up” must also happen, Linder demanded. This is an extension of protection against discrimination through a comprehensive, holistic ban on discrimination in all areas of life.

Stögmüller: A lot of educational work necessary

David Stögmüller, LGBTIQ spokesman for the Greens, also called for a “levelling up”. He called for more financial resources to promote dialogue and to develop new prevention projects. He also supported the demand that equal treatment bodies should be given the opportunity to inform parliament about current developments. He also called for a scientific review, the creation of guidelines and “a lot of educational work”. In Austria, the “defusing of the network of federal states” with regard to responsibilities is necessary, and at the European level he would like to see an EU Commissioner for Equal Treatment, said Stögmüller.

Brandstötter: Don’t skimp on women’s budget

The aim is for everyone to be able to lead a self-determined life, said NEOS women’s spokesperson Henrike Brandstötter. In the fight against poverty in old age, her group is therefore in favour of automatic pension splitting. The legal right to childcare places is also a key demand. The next federal government will have to make massive savings – but this must not be at the expense of the women’s budget. She also considers it particularly important to break down role perceptions, as otherwise there will be no progress in combating dependency, domestic violence and poor pay for women. In addition, an overview of all equal opportunities offices that already exist nationwide should be created in order to identify gaps and duplications. Brandstötter also called for the development of strategies and national action plans – especially to combat racism. (End of symposium) bea

A NOTICE: Photos of this event can be found in the Parliament’s web portal.

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