Parliamentary Forum: Groups see opportunities and need for regulation for artificial intelligence

2023-06-26 19:01:45

Tursky: Using the opportunities of digitization and artificial intelligence for companies and society

Vienna (PK) – At the end of today’s parliamentary forum on the subject of “Effects of artificial intelligence on society and democracy”, the parliamentary parties exchanged views on the effects of technological developments on society. They agreed on the opportunities, but saw the need for rapid legal regulation.

Tursky: Digitization and artificial intelligence are a big one Opportunity for business and society

Digitization and artificial intelligence as well as the regaining of Europe’s sovereignty in this area are a great opportunity for companies and society, explained State Secretary for Digitization Florian Tursky in his closing words. These opportunities must be placed at the center of the discourse with the population. If Europe does not use these opportunities, prosperity is at risk.

The topic of artificial intelligence has gained massively in importance over the past year. Life is shifting more and more to the Internet, which brings with it numerous legal challenges. According to Tursky, the European Union addressed these issues – at its own discretion – relatively early on. Two goals would be central. On the one hand, it is important to restore the digital sovereignty of the EU and, on the other hand, to secure fundamental rights and the image of humanity in the digital world in the future.

At the European level, what is needed is quick and the best possible regulation, Tursky demanded. In Austria, they want to start implementing the AI ​​Act as quickly as possible. For this purpose, an AI authority will be created in advance, which will serve as a contact point for the population and companies and will later take over the implementation of the AI ​​Act. In addition, transparency measures will be taken to ensure trust in artificial intelligence systems. Since digital humanism should be at the center of regulation, an ethical distance in the form of an ethics council or an ethics committee is also needed. This should deal with ethical issues in the course of these technological developments.

ÖVP: Ensure good framework conditions for companies and research

With artificial intelligence, one must be aware that it is a matter of technical development that is not over and will continue to develop, explained Eva-Maria Himmelbauer (ÖVP). In view of these rapid developments, the legislature would be lagging behind and would only ever be able to decide on the question of regulation on the basis of a status quo. At the same time, transparency must be ensured for users to a large extent as to whether they are currently using AI, demanded Himmelbauer. The question of how accountable these systems can be ensured must also be clarified. In addition, Himmelbauer spoke out in favor of Europe’s sovereignty to ensure and support infrastructure and good framework conditions for research as well as good location conditions for companies. She hopes for a speedy implementation of the legal framework at European level. This might also be an opportunity to set standards not only in Europe but worldwide.

SPÖ: Courage for digital sovereignty in Europe

It is important to live the courage to digital sovereignty in Europe, said Katharina Kucharowits (SPÖ). The European Union “slept through” the age of digitization. With the Artificial Intelligence Act, Europe now has the chance to be the first in the world to give artificial intelligence a legal framework. This is also an opportunity to create a counterbalance. This requires sufficient funds for research and development. Overall, accents in tax policy are also important, the Social Democrat demanded. Kucharowits also found it important to confront all generations with this technique in order to develop a critical view of these techniques.

FPÖ: Ensuring civil rights and freedoms

The artificial intelligence is a rich and efficient tool, said Gerhard Deimek (FPÖ) at the beginning. This is already being used in many areas. Like other techniques in history, it will tend to shift jobs, not replace them. Sufficient funds and good framework conditions for research are needed for development so that Europe does not fall behind the USA and China. With regard to the need for legal regulation, it is important to ensure citizens’ inner rights and freedoms. Deimek also advocated making the population “fit” for these technologies. Schools therefore also need “fit” teachers.

Greens: Rapid regulation for society and the environment

It is the task of politics to make sure that people don’t get left behind, said Süleyman Zorba (Greens). It is therefore important to determine how artificial intelligence is used. He emphasized that politicians must ensure that legal regulations are implemented quickly. Zorba saw the potential of artificial intelligence in the more efficient use of energy.

NEOS: Use the high innovative power of artificial intelligence

The technical developments in this area would have a high innovative power, emphasized Katharina Werner (NEOS). There is a risk that Europe will be left behind by other players. Therefore, research must be “massively” supported with funds in order to promote a European alternative with European values. Werner complained that this is countered by the fact that the education and research sectors are still too fragmented into national states. (Closing Parliamentary Forum) pst

A NOTICE: Photos from this event can be found in Parliament web portal .

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