Parliament Welcomes Innovative Draft Legislation for PDO Agricultural Products and Foods

The draft law “Control procedures, administrative measures and sanctions in the field of agricultural products and food with Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications and Guaranteed Traditional Identical Products” was submitted to the Parliament by the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food.

The geographical indications system of the European Union protects the names of products that come from specific areas and have special qualities or enjoy a reputation linked to the area of ​​production and, as pointed out in the introductory report of the draft law “recently, the Regulation (EU ) 2024/1143 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 April 2024 on geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, as well as on guaranteed traditional idiosyncratic products and optional quality indications for agricultural products (L 1143). Following the above, the proposed regulations aim to better control the production and marketing of these products and to generally improve the existing institutional framework, through the adaptation of the existing legislation to the aforementioned Regulation”.

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EU quality schemes

The Importance‍ of Protected Designations of Origin, Geographical Indications, and Traditional Specialties in the‌ European Union

The European Union has a rich cultural heritage, and its ⁣agricultural products and food are an integral‌ part⁤ of it. To protect and⁤ promote these products, the EU has established a ⁢geographical indications system that safeguards the names of products originating⁣ from specific regions and possessing unique qualities ⁣or reputations linked to their production area. This system is crucial for maintaining the authenticity and quality ‌of these products, and a recent ⁢draft law aims to strengthen the control procedures, ​administrative measures, and sanctions in⁣ the field of agricultural products and food with Protected Designations of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), and Guaranteed Traditional Specialties.

What are‍ Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications⁣ (PGI)?

The‍ European Commission grants a Protected Designation ‌of Origin (PDO) to​ regional products⁣ originating in a specific region, provided that the quality or other characteristics of the⁤ product⁤ are‍ attributable to that region‍ [[1]].​ A PDO is a name that identifies a wine product, for instance, that originated exclusively from grapes grown in a ⁤specific region [[2]]. ⁤Similarly, a Protected ‌Geographical Indication (PGI) is a name that identifies a product originating from a specific region, but‍ the quality or⁢ characteristics of the⁢ product do not have to be attributable to that region [[3]].

The Significance of Geographical Indications in ‍the ⁣European Union

Geographical indications, including PDO and ⁣PGI, are essential for preserving the cultural heritage and traditional practices of EU⁤ regions. These ​designations protect the ⁤names of products that come from specific areas and have special‌ qualities or enjoy a reputation linked to the area of production [[3]]. By⁢ doing‌ so, they ensure that consumers are not misled about the origin and quality of the products they ‌buy.

The Draft Law: Strengthening ‍Controls and ‌Sanctions

The draft law “Control⁣ procedures, administrative measures and sanctions ‍in the field⁣ of agricultural products and food with Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications and ⁣Guaranteed Traditional Specialties” aims to ‌strengthen the oversight and enforcement of these designations. The law proposes⁤ to introduce more ⁢robust control ‍procedures, administrative measures, and sanctions⁤ to prevent fraudulent ‌use of PDO, PGI, and‍ Guaranteed Traditional ‍Specialties.

Benefits ‍for Producers, Consumers, and the Economy

The geographical indications system offers ​numerous benefits to producers, consumers, and the economy. For producers, it provides a⁢ guarantee of authenticity and quality, which ‍can increase their ‍market share⁢ and revenue. For consumers, it ensures that they are buying genuine⁤ products that meet specific standards. For the economy, it promotes rural development, job creation, and economic growth.


the geographical indications system is a vital tool ⁤for protecting and promoting⁤ the agricultural products and food of the⁢ European​ Union. The draft law aims to​ strengthen the controls ⁤and sanctions in this field, ensuring that⁣ consumers can trust the origin and quality of the‌ products they buy. By supporting this system, we⁢ can preserve the cultural heritage and traditional practices of EU regions, promote rural development, and‌ boost economic⁤ growth.

Optimized Keywords: Protected‌ Designations of Origin, Geographical⁤ Indications, Traditional Specialties, European Union,‌ Agricultural‌ Products, Food, Draft Law, ⁤Control Procedures, Administrative Measures,‌ Sanctions, ​Cultural ⁢Heritage, Rural Development, Economic Growth.

EU quality schemes

The Importance of Protected Designations of Origin, Geographical Indications, and Traditional Specialties in the European Union

The European Union has a rich cultural heritage, and its agricultural products and food are an integral part of it. To protect and promote these products, the EU has established a geographical indications system that safeguards the names of products originating from specific regions and possessing unique qualities or reputations linked to their production area. This system is crucial for maintaining the authenticity and quality of these products, and a recent draft law aims to strengthen the control procedures, administrative measures, and sanctions in the field of agricultural products and food with Protected Designations of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indications (PGI), and Guaranteed Traditional Specialties.

What are Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indications (PGI)?

The European Commission grants a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) to regional products originating in a specific region, provided that the quality or other characteristics of the product are attributable to that region [[1]]. A PDO is a name that identifies a wine product, for instance, that originated exclusively from grapes grown in a specific region [[2]]. Similarly, a Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) is a name that identifies a product originating from a specific region, but the quality or characteristics of the product do not have to be attributable to that region [[3]].

The Significance of Geographical Indications in the European Union

Geographical indications, including PDO and PGI, are essential for preserving the cultural heritage and traditional practices of EU regions. These designations protect the names of products that come from specific areas and have special qualities or enjoy a reputation linked to the area of production [[3]]. By doing so, they ensure that consumers are not misled about the origin and quality of the products they buy.

The Draft Law: Strengthening Controls and Sanctions

The draft law “Control procedures, administrative measures and sanctions in the field of agricultural products and food with Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications and Guaranteed Traditional Specialties” aims to strengthen the oversight and enforcement of these designations. The law proposes to introduce more robust control procedures, administrative measures, and sanctions to prevent fraudulent use of PDO, PGI, and Guaranteed Traditional Specialties.

Benefits for Producers, Consumers, and the Economy

The geographical indications system offers numerous benefits to producers, consumers, and the economy. For producers, it provides a guarantee of authenticity and quality, which can increase their market share and revenue. For consumers, it ensures that they are buying genuine products that meet specific standards. For the economy, it promotes rural development, job creation, and economic growth.


The geographical indications system is a vital tool for protecting and promoting the agricultural products and food of the European Union. The draft law aims to strengthen the control procedures, administrative measures, and sanctions to ensure the authenticity and quality of these products. By doing so, it will promote the cultural heritage and traditional practices of EU regions, while also providing benefits to producers, consumers, and the economy.






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