Parkinson’s and Cancer.. Leaked Messages Confirm “Putin Is Sick”

Since the start of the military operation in Ukraine last February, rumors about Health of Russian President Vladimir PutinIt has not been extinguished, especially since several Ukrainian officials had previously confirmed the illness of Mr. Kremlin.

But what was new this time, came via leaked emails from a Kremlin insider, stating that the Russian president had Parkinson’s disease.

His body is stuffed with painkillers..and there is evidence

It also claimed that Putin’s body He was stuffed with analgesic steroids, and that he had pancreatic and prostate cancer in the early stages.

The leaked messages from a Russian intelligence source also stated that the 70-year-old actually had cancer and Parkinson’s disease, according to a report in The Sun newspaper.

And she added that the Russian president’s body was regularly injected with all kinds of heavy steroids, along with innovative painkillers to stop the spread of pancreatic cancer, which was recently diagnosed with it.

She pointed out that this does not cause much pain, but the effects of the treatments are limited to swelling in the face, as well as memory lapses.

But she indicated that Putin’s relatives are worried about the coughing fits, constant nausea and lack of appetite he suffered, after he underwent a medical examination, in addition to the thinness, as the president lost 18 pounds in recent months, according to the allegations.

Many rumors were denied by the Kremlin

It is noteworthy that many Ukrainian statements were spread during the past months about the Russian president’s illness.

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One of them stated that the Kremlin master is in a “very bad psychological and physical condition and suffers from cancer, and is very ill.”

And last June, the weekly “Newsweek” reported, quoting US intelligence sources, that Putin was treated in April for advanced cancer.

Also in early April, the Russian investigative journalism website The Project reported that Putin was seriously ill and was receiving regular visits from a famous Russian oncologist.

On the other hand, the Kremlin has repeatedly denied these rumors. As Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in late May: “I do not think that any reasonable person would see signs of illness or injury in Putin!”

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