Parkd: The Ultimate Solution for Automatic and Geolocated Parking Payment in Belgium

2023-10-16 14:07:05

October 16, 2023 Today at 4:05 p.m.

The Dutch from Parkd offer, in partnership with 4411, their automatic and geolocated parking payment application to companies in Belgium.

You park and start your app to pay. When leaving, you completely forget to deactivate your parking. What you do much later with an additional parking cost commensurate with the time it took you to realize it. Who hasn’t already experienced this frustration with parking apps?

The Parkd app promises to solve this problem once and for all for businesses in Belgium. Developed in the Netherlands, the application is entering the Belgian market through the front door via a partnership with 4411.



Between the forgetfulness and the short stops; Parkd promises 30% parking savings to companies that use its services.

Parkd works with “Track & Trace” applications on vehicles. These allow vehicles to be geolocated in real time. They are already widely used to manage corporate fleets.

Once the application is activated, parking payment becomes automatic. You can either activate the semi-automatic mode which offers to start parking once parked, or the fully automatic mode which automatically starts parking, which you can then cancel within 5 minutes. “Once you leave, the parking lot always stops,” assures Nelson Dheedene, CFO & co-founder of Parkd.

The answer to car scans

It promises 30% savings to companies, because between oversights and people who “take a chance” on very short parking lots, parking fine costs can quickly add up. “Especially with the arrival of scan cars which don’t give you a chance,” insists Dheedene. “If you park your car in a big city with a scan car, it is almost certain that you will get a fine. We know something about this in the Netherlands where a parking fine is 60 to 90 euros,” adds -he.

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The unsuspected promises of automatic parking

Parkd costs 5 euros per car per month. To really be strong in Belgium, however, the possibility of offer national coverage. “In the Netherlands, there is a large platform with all the cities. Once you have an application, you can connect to 80% of the cities,” he explains. “While in Belgium, you have to work city by city.” The path of a partnership was therefore essential, with 4411 in this case.

“Drivers love the service, it gives them peace of mind. They park legally and don’t have to worry about anything.”

Nelson Dheedene

Co-founder of Parkd

Designed for professional customers, Parkd will only be available to customers with a VAT number. “Drivers love the service, which gives them peace of mind. They park legally and don’t have to worry about anything,” says the co-founder.

Parkd works with major accounts such as Telenet, Fluvius or the City of Ghent, but above all seeks to make itself known to increase its business.

#Automatic #geolocated #parking #payment #arrives #Belgium

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